Ultimate Movie Rankings

Alphabetical Links to Over 1000 Individual Actors, Actresses & Directors Ultimate Movie Rankings Pages

Uses box office grosses, critic reviews, audience voting and award recognition to rank movies.

Links to our Genres, Research, Oscar, YouTube, and Cogerson Life UMR Pages


303 thoughts on “Ultimate Movie Rankings

  1. top 25 actors1950-2010. great stuff. super organized and informative. I enjoyed explanation of Steve McQueen being so high, the king of cool, beautiful. I struggle with including directing in an actor list. I love Eastwood as both but way too high as actor. I struggle with mixing leads with supporting roles and awards. great acting is great acting but leads require so much more range, depth. Lastly, in my rankings I have a category called weird. great movies too weird to ever recommend. Nicholson has a lot of those. most of his movies I see once and I am done with them. not like Bruce Willis who I may watch over and over. LOL . thanks for a great job.
    P.S. Robert duvall is my greatest supporting actor all time. also a great lead and writer. we may need a list of supporting actors. can your database include this info? L or S?

  2. My first comment from a submarine. Harry Dean Stanton made a movie better…even with small roles. Favorites would include Escape From New York and Repo Men. RIP

  3. Hey Bob…..I am actually working on the Top 400 UMR list….just ran out of time before work today. Mad Max 4 got great reviews…..especially for a movie that has no story….lol. Glad you were able to find some suggestions. Thanks for the comment and visit.

  4. awesome site. UMR is great. Is the raw data for UMR available to help me with my all time movie list? Not an average or by actor but just all the movies you rated? keep up the great job. I love 2 of your 3 favorite actors. Great favorites list.

      1. awesome top 100 umr/cogerson . how about top 400. I love this site. awesome work. great interaction. very thought filled and organized..

        1. great 100 best reviewed movies. I wish you had included UMR not imbd.
          P.S. it looked like mad max was most recent release . you are doing great work. how about top 400 reviewed movies. I got 10 great suggestions from this list. i could use 100 more from your top 300-500.

          1. THANKS for the UMR top 500. it put 150 movies on my need to see or see again list. thank you, thank you, thank you

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