Ultimate Movie Rankings

Alphabetical Links to Over 1000 Individual Actors, Actresses & Directors Ultimate Movie Rankings Pages

Uses box office grosses, critic reviews, audience voting and award recognition to rank movies.

Links to our Genres, Research, Oscar, YouTube, and Cogerson Life UMR Pages


303 thoughts on “Ultimate Movie Rankings

  1. Nice! I like the facelift. Classic and Current. No guesses which side Flora supports. 🙂

    I would have done it slightly different – Dead and Living – or is that too morbid? Or split it into three sections – Dead People, Very Much Alive and… Won’t be long before they’ve Popped their Clogs.

    27,000 movies ranked, that’s impressive Bruce. That’s more than Halliwell and Maltin managed in their Movie Guides.

    1. 1 In the 70s over here a film journalist and historian called Barry Norman did a TV series called
      the Hollywood Greats which attracted tremendous attention.

      2 The only frustration with it was it confined itself to ‘late greats’ so that you had to wait for your own idol to die before Norman would include him/her.

      3 By the was I do hope that your next sexist. I noticed yesterday that whilst Flora got the spelling right in her 2nd Glenn Ford reference she mentioned ‘Glen’ in the first and yet you did not take her to task!!!

      4 Actually whilst it was just a slip of the pen on Flora’s part she being such a fan it used to be a common mistake on Belfast billboards on which too Charlton was often referred to a Charles Heston.


      1. I’m guessing either Flora types too fast or is distracted by Greg Peck or Dick Widmark on the telly. I have to admit to not following all the comments here, so many pop up all the time that I can’t keep track. Bruce occasionally lets me know if there are any of particular interest to me.

        Btw I remember my dear mother always referring to Heston as Charlston Heston and when I was young my dad used to pronounce Sean Connery as Seen Connery. My late aunt referred to Sir Larry as Laurence of Oliver, aaah memories. 🙂

        1. STEVE
          In the UK among acting buffs Olivier was always fondly referred to as just “Larry”..

          Haven’t seen that variation of Chuck’s name before. Thanks for the info.


        2. All of these misspelling talk makes me want to share what WoC did this weekend. She ran some data maintenance and found many many spelling mistakes…when I add in a co-star link it automatically creates a UMR sub-page in the database for that co-star….so when I misspell a co-star it creates a new UMR page….I felt like I was going through a grocery store audit….good grief have a butchered Fredric March’s name over the years…when her program got to the Fs…Fredric March, Fredrick March, Frederic March, Frederick March and Frederik March showed up. Needless to say she was pretty upset with me for “corrupting the data”….it took hours to fix all of those errors….and she stopped the program at “L”…..means there are many more errors out there.

        3. Yes, I’ve been totally distracted by the westerns on TCM.

          Last night was the first night of Keith Carradine introducing films. The Searchers and Fort Apache were on.

        4. Oh, I have been distracted by many things. I’m glad Bruce is on vacation this week, because I am very behind in this site in terms of viewing Olympic ratings.

    2. Thanks Steve…..trying to improve my bounce rate…and figured maybe Morpheus could help me. I think you are correct….Flora will be heavily supporting the “right” link. Good name suggestions…I originally had “Pulse” and “No Pulse” but I did not think anybody beside you, me and Flora would get that joke. All those movies logged makes doing these pages so easily….last night…I thought I would see how difficult a Gene Tierney page would be…..well after finding 29 of her 36 movies already in the database…turns out her page was a piece of cake. As always…thanks for checking out our latest update.

      1. Pulse: someone still alive
        No Pulse: dead.

        It’s a reference to a hubber who calls herself Sunshine.

    1. Thank you WoC…..I enjoy your sense of humor too. Thanks for checking out the new Home Page…..especially since you were so tired.

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