Rita Hayworth Movies

Rita Hayworth is considered one of greatest actresses of all-time.
Rita Hayworth is considered one of greatest actresses of all-time.

Want to know the best Rita Hayworth movies?  How about the worst Rita Hayworth movies?  Curious about Rita Hayworth box office grosses or which Rita Hayworth movie picked up the most Oscar® nominations? Need to know which Rita Hayworth movie got the best reviews from critics and audiences and which ones got the worst reviews? Well you have come to the right place…. because we have all of that information and much more.

Rita Hayworth (1918-1987) was an American actress, who the American Film Institute ranked as one of the Top 50 Screen Legends of all time.  Hayworth is ranked as the 19th best actress, right behind #18 Shirley Temple and right before #20 Lauren Bacall.  One of our goals is to do a movie page on all 50 Screen Legends.  After completing this page we have now written movie pages on 45 (or 90%) of those performers……leaving only 4 actresses and 1 actor that still need movie pages.

Her IMDb page shows 65 acting credits from 1934-1972. This page will rank 35 Rita Hayworth movies from Best to Worst in seven different sortable columns of information.   With the exception of Dante’s Inferno (1935), all of her pre-1939 movies were not included in the rankings.  Most of these roles were bit parts or uncredited.  In addition television movies and movies not released in North America were not included in the rankings.

Rita Hayworth in 1946's Gilda
Rita Hayworth in 1946’s Gilda

Rita Hayworth Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort Rita Hayworth movies by co-stars of her movies
  • Sort Rita Hayworth movies by adjusted domestic box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort Rita Hayworth movies by yearly domestic box office rank
  • Sort Rita Hayworth movies by how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations and Oscar® wins each Rita Hayworth movie received.
  • Sort Rita Hayworth movies by Ultimate Movie Ranking (UMR) Score.  UMR puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.
  • Use the sort and search buttons to make this table very interactive.  For example…if you type in “Glenn Ford” in the search box….the 5 Ford/Hayworth movies will pop right up.

Stats and Possibly Interesting Things From The Above Rita Hayworth Table

  1. Sixteen Rita Hayworth movies crossed the magical $100 million domestic gross mark.  That is a percentage of 45.71% of her movies listed. Gilda (1946) was her biggest box office hit.
  2. An average Rita Hayworth movie grosses $100.00 million in adjusted box office gross.
  3. Using RottenTomatoes.com’s 60% fresh meter.  22 of Rita Hayworth’s movies are rated as good movies…or 62.85% of her movies.  Gilda (1946) was her highest rated movie while The Naked Zoo (1970) was her lowest rated movie.
  4. Fifteen Rita Hayworth movies received at least one Oscar® nomination in any category…..or 42.85% of her movies.
  5. Four Rita Hayworth movies won at least one Oscar® in any category…..or 11.42% of her movies.
  6. A “good movie” Ultimate Movie Ranking (UMR) Score is 60.00.  19 Rita Hayworth movies scored higher that average….or 54.28% of her movies. Gilda (1946) got the the highest UMR Movie Score while The Naked Zoo (1970) got the lowest UMR Movie Score.
Rita Hayworth in 1953's Miss Sadie Thompson
Rita Hayworth in 1953’s Miss Sadie Thompson

Possibly Interesting Facts About Rita Hayworth

1. Margarita Carmen Cansino was born on October 17, 1918, in Brooklyn, New York.

2. Margarita Carmen Cansino appeared in 15 movies from 1934 to 1937.  In 1937 she changed her name to Rita Hayworth.  The Rita comes from MargaRITA while Hayworth was her mom’s maiden name.  Hollywood legend says producer Harry Cohn convinced her to change her name because her birth name was “too Spanish”.

3. Rita Hayworth’s nickname was The Love Goddess.  Her most famous trademarks were:  her strawberry blonde hair, her voluptuous figure and her deep sultry voice.

4. Rita Hayworth was married five times in her life.  Her most famous marriages were to Prince Aly Khan (1949 to 1953) and Orson Welles (1943-1948).  She had two children…one with Khan and one with Welles.

5. The image of Rita Hayworth’s face was glued onto an A-bomb which was dropped on the Bikini Atoll during a test in 1946.

6. Rita Hayworth was one of the few actresses to have danced with both Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly in the movies, other actresses that have also done this includes Judy Garland, Cyd Charisse, Vera-Ellen, Debbie Reynolds and Leslie Caron.

7. Rita Hayworth appeared in five movies with classic leading actor Glenn Ford: 1940’s The Lady in Question, 1946’s Gilda, 1948’s The Loves of Carmen, 1952’s Affair in Trinidad and 1965’s The Money Trap.

8. Rita Hayworth never received an Oscar® nomination.  She did receive a Best Actress Golden Globe® nomination for 1964’s Circus World.

9.  Rita Hayworth died of complications from Alzheimer’s disease. The Rita Hayworth Annual Gala, which began as way Princess Yasmin Aga Khan could honor her mother, has raised over $68 million for the Alzheimer’s Association over the last 32 years.

10.   The movie….The Shawshank Redemption (1994) is considered one of the best movies over the last 30 years.  Two things you might not know about that movie:  (1) It was ignorned at the box office and (2) It was based on the Stephen King book Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption.  It is a shame that they left off Rita’s name in the movie title.

Check out Rita Hayworth’s movie career compared to current and classic stars on our Most 100 Million Dollar Movies of All-Time page.

Rita Hayworth in 1942's You Were Never Lovelier
Rita Hayworth in 1942’s You Were Never Lovelier

America Film Institutes’ Top 25 Screen Legend Actress and UMR’s Links That Rank All Of Their Movies.

12. Claudette Colbert
17. Lillian Gish
23. Carole Lombard
24. Mary Pickford
Academy Award® and Oscar® are the registered trademarks of the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences.  Golden Globes® are the registered trademark and service mark of the Hollywood Foreign Press.
(Visited 10,867 times)

55 thoughts on “Rita Hayworth Movies

  1. Hi

    Hayworth was one of the most sensational looking women of the 1940’s, especially in colour. She’s arguably the loveliest of the leading ladies at her peak. She looked fantastic in The Blood and the Sand, and of course Gilda. Like many glamour stars, she never got the acting credit she deserved. She was really good in Separate Tables and They Came to Cordura with Gary Cooper. It’s sad that she ended up with Alzheimer’s. But definitely one of the greats.

    1. Hey Chris. I think Hayworth owned the 1940s. She was one of the most popular stars working (though she never cracked the Top 10 annual star list), she was one of the most popular pinup girls ever and her dancing skills were awesome. I agree that she never got the proper credit for her acting skills….she is one of the few on the AFI Top 50 that not only did not win an Oscar…..but did not even get a nomination. About the only good thing about her Alzheimers is the fact that it seems her tragic ending…as helped out others. At the time they thought her memory issues were due to drinking. Glad to know that her Gala is still happening today and still raising money. Thanks for your thoughts on Rita Hayworth.

  2. “Hayworth is ranked as the 19th best actress, right behind #18 Shirley Temple”…?….Why and who is doing the ranking? I’m not sure about this but maybe people shouldn’t be ranked.

        1. Yes we do….but for people unaware of classic actors….the Top 50 is a good place to start..
          I think they did a better job with the Top 25 actors….versus the Top 25 actresses. One of their rules was the possibles had to have a movie made before 1950 (I think that was the year they picked).

  3. Hi there: Thanks for this site – I had actually forgotten that I had requested it. I really enjoyed her in Gilda and many other of her films. She and Glenn Ford made a good match. I had never heard of her real name – quite a mouthful. Another very informative site. THANKS SO MUCH.
    Here’s hoping that 2016 will be another good year for your informative sites as many people are enjoying them. THANKS…….

    1. Hey BERN1960….glad you like your requested page. Gilda and Lady from Shanghai are her tewo most famous roles. Though Gilda was popular back then …..but it took awhile before Lady picked up some steam….seems almost all Orson Welles movies can make that claim. You are corrent she and Ford made a good match. Thanks for the well wishes….almost done with another one of your requests…Ms. Natalie Wood…down to finding 8 of her movies and she will be ready for publication. Thanks for stopping by

  4. Another nice page on one of Hollywood’s classic film stars. I’ve seen most of her films and I have to say that Gilda is my Favorite. I like the two films she did with Fred Astaire quite a bit. Fred Astaire said that Rita Hayworth was his favor dance partner in the movies. The Weirdest film I saw her in was Road to Salina. Though it was weird I liked it because it starred Mimsy Farmer whom I liked at the time but her career never really went anywhere. Good job Bruce. Thanks.

    1. Hey Lyle…..glad you like this Rita Hayworth page….seems I have been researching her movies for years now…..but it is finally done! Gilda topped all the main categories in my Hayworth table. That does not happen too often. Before doing this page I had never even heard of Road To Salina…..but just my looking at the movie poster….I can easily see that it could be a weird movie. Mimsy Farmer? I will have to look her up….completly unknown to me. Thanks for the comment.

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