John C. Reilly Movies

John C. Reilly (1965-) is an Oscar®-nominated American actor, comedian, singer, screenwriter, and producer.   Reilly has been starring in movies for almost 30 years.    His most famous roles would include supporting roles in Chicago,   Boogie Nights, Magnolia and Guardians of the Galaxy,  leading roles opposite Will Ferrell in Talladega Nights and Step Brothers and for providing the voice for Ralph in the Wreck-It-Ralph movies.   His IMDb page shows 102 acting credits since 1989.   This page ranks 57 John C. Reilly movies from Best to Worst in six different sortable columns of information. Television shows, cameos and his movies not released in North America theaters are not included in the rankings.

John C. Reilly has provided the voice for Ralph in two Wreck-It-Ralph box office hits.

John C. Reilly Movies Ranked By Combination of Box Office, Reviews and Awards (UMR Score) *Classic UMR Table (the one with all the stats is the second table)

Frequent co-stars John C. Reilly and Will Ferrell in 2018’s Holmes and Watson

John C. Reilly Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort John C. Reilly movies by movie title and movie trailers.
  • Sort John C. Reilly movies by co-stars of his movies.
  • Sort John C. Reilly movies by adjusted domestic box office grosses using current movie ticket cost
  • Sort John C. Reilly movies by yearly domestic box office rank
  • Sort John C. Reilly movies how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations each John C. Reilly movie received and how many Oscar® wins each John C. Reilly movie won.
  • Sort John C. Reilly movies by Ultimate Movie Rankings (UMR) Score.  UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.

23 thoughts on “John C. Reilly Movies

  1. I saw 18 including top 5. Chicago is a 10 and favourite. 9s: the aviator, for the love of the game, thin red line, magnolia. hidden gem: what’s eating gilbert grape an 8, walk hard an 8. I love to laugh.

    1. Hey bob cox….18 is right up there with Steve’s 22….but well behind my total. Not being a huge musical fan…..gotta say that Chicago is not one of my favorites. Of your 9s…agree with you on Magnolia and parts of The Thin Red Line. Walk Hard is a very fun movie to watch….that might be his best leading man performance. I do not count his Wreck It Ralph movies.

      1. Cogerson, the less anime the better for me in acting awards and box office. I know you liked wreck it ralph but I did not. I respect our differences as much as I enjoy our agreements(sic).

  2. I have seen 4 John C. Reilly movies.

    Chicago and The Aviator are favourites.
    I have also seen Days of Thunder and Boogie Nights.

    1. Hey Flora….thanks for commenting on our John C. Reilly page. 4 is pretty good for a current movie star. I would have guessed that you had seen Chicago……that was his Oscar nominated performance. I probably need to see The Aviator….at this point it has probably been a decade since I last watched that one. Good stuff.

  3. I’ve seen 22 of the 57 John C. Reilly films on the chart. I thought that was impressive until I saw Bruce doubled my tally [bites fist]. How many movies do you watch each week Bruce? You are so lucky you’re not into computer games. I have a friend who rushes home from work so he can jump into his X-box game while munching on a sandwich, for hours and hours (playing games, not munching on a sandwich). It’s an addiction! So is watching movies!

    Favorites include – Guardians of the Galaxy, Skull – Kong Island, The Aviator, Wreck it Ralph, Boogie Nights,Talladega Nights and Step Brothers.

    Wasn’t a huge fan of Magnolia, and Casualties of War was too depressing.

    Been ages since I last watched State of Grace, worth seeing for Gary Oldman’s insanely unpredictable gang member.

    Good stuff Bruce. Vote Up!

    1. Hey Steve
      1. Thanks for checking out our latest UMR page.
      2. I had no idea that I had seen so many of his movies……but your total of 22 is still pretty impressive.
      3. Hmmmm….how many movies do I watch a day?….well….I have seen just over 500 in 2018 …so that is about 1.5 movies a day or 10 movies a week. That is slightly up from 2017….but down from a few years ago….I saw over 1,000 movies in 2013 and 2014…..for an average of 3.40 a day for two straight years.
      4. I agree it can be an addiction….but I watch 95% of my movies while walking on my treadmill….so I am doing something helpful to my body.
      5. Seen all of your favorite JCR movies…and enjoyed all of them….though I have only seen The Aviator once.
      6. I like Magnolia more….a fun way to watch that one is too spot all of the 8’s and 2’s in the movie….they are everywhere…and reference Exodus 8:2….they are everywhere.
      Good feedback as always.

  4. “I’m Dale, but you have to call me Dragon.” love Step Brothers, it is rated way too low. Barely in the Top 15? That is just wrong.

    1. Hey Layla….you are so right…..StepBrothers is a comedy gem. Statistically….it is not as impressive as it’s lasting legacy. When we were putting our UMR formula together….having a cultural significance section was considered…but in the end….that would have been too subjective…so that idea was dropped. But….I feel StepBrothers would have gotten some points for sure if that category had made the cut. Love the quote….thanks for stopping by.

  5. Wow….I have seen 44 John C. Reilly movies…..almost a John C. Reilly completist…..and did not even know it. That is 77% of his movies seen. Favorites would include #3 Guardians of the Galaxy (though his part is so minor), Wreck It Ralph (great computer animated movie…second is ok too), Step Brothers (very funny movie), Magnolia (great supporting role for John C.) and Walk Hard (a movie that gets funnier with every viewing).

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