Kate Winslet Movies

Want to know the best Kate Winslet movies?  How about the worst Kate Winslet movies?  Curious about Kate Winslet box office grosses or which Kate Winslet movie picked up the most Oscar® nominations? Need to know which Kate Winslet movie got the best reviews from critics and audiences? Well you have come to the right place….because we have all of that information.

Kate Winslet (1975-) is an English actress and singer. She has won an Academy Award®, an Emmy® Award, four Golden Globe Awards® and a Grammy Award®.  Her IMDb page shows over 60 acting credits since 1991. This page will rank Kate Winslet movies from Best to Worst in six different sortable columns of information. Television shows and movies that were not released in North American theaters were not included in the rankings.  To do well in our overall rankings a movie has to do well at the box office, get good reviews by critics, be liked by audiences and get some award recognition.

Drivel part of the page:  For some reason I decided it would be good idea to write a new movie page every other day in January.  Well this Kate Winslet page was researched, written and published on January 31st, 2016.  Which means we accomplished our goal.  Overall we wrote 20 movie pages in the month.  Michael E., who is one of my wife’s co-workers, requested this page and 4 others a few months ago.  Well we have finally fulfilled that request 100%.

Kate Winslet Movies Ranked In Chronological Order With Ultimate Movie Rankings Score (1 to 5 UMR Tickets) *Best combo of box office, reviews and awards.

Kate Winslet Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort Kate Winslet movies by co-stars of her movies
  • Sort Kate Winslet movies by adjusted domestic box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort Kate Winslet movies by yearly domestic box office rank
  • Sort Kate Winslet movies by how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations and how many Oscar® wins each Kate Winslet movie received.
  • Sort Kate Winslet movies by Ultimate Movie Ranking (UMR) Score.  UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.
  • Blue link in Co-star column takes you to that star’s UMR movie page

Kate Winslet Adjusted World Wide Box Office Grosses 

Kate Winslet as the villain in the Divergent movies
Kate Winslet as the villain in the Divergent movies

Possibly Interesting Facts About Kate Winslet

1.  Kate Elizabeth Winslet was born in Reading, Berkshire, England in 1975.

2.  Kate Winslet has been nominated for 7 Oscars® (winning for The Reader) and 10 Golden Globes® (winning 3 times).

3.  Kate Winslet had 6 Oscar® nominations by the time she was 34.  That is currently the record….but Jennifer Lawrence is quickly closing in on that record as she has 4 Oscar® nominations at the age of 25.

4.  Kate Winslet She holds another record in Oscar® history: Only twice have two actresses been nominated for playing the same character in the same film….and she starred in both movies. She and Gloria Stuart were nominated for playing Rose in 1997’s Titanic. Then she and Judi Dench were nominated for playing Iris Murdoch in 2001’s Iris.

5.  Kate Winslet has been married three times.  She has three children.

6.  Kate Winslet admitted that she strongly dislikes the song “My Heart Will Go On,” which was recorded by Céline Dion and prominently included in her biggest hit, Titanic.  That makes at least two of us.

7. Roles Kate Winslet turned down or was seriously considered for:  Cate Blanchett role in Robin Hood, Drew Barrymore role in Charlie’s Angels, Renee Zellweger roles in Chicago, Cold Mountain Creek and Bridget Jones’ Diary, Nicole Kidman’s role in Moulin Rouge and Naomi Watts role in King Kong.

8. Check out Kate Winslet‘s career compared to current and classic actors.  Most 100 Million Dollar Movies of All-Time.

Academy Award® and Oscar® are the registered trademarks of the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences.  Golden Globe® is a registered trademark.

Steve’s Kate Winslet YouTube Video


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30 thoughts on “Kate Winslet Movies

    1/The Hollywood pin-up is for dissatisfied erotics whose wives/girlfriends can’t or will not give them the kind of love life they crave. However the girls that I play on screen are of the kind that mothers love their sons to bring home.

    2/My screen costume was that of schoolgirls/teenagers but I longed for parts that would allow me to appear in low-cut dresses with plunging necklines.

    3/Before I left for Hollywood my parents drummed into me that I was not to have FULL relationships with men before I married. The very next day I arrived in Hollywood where a different set of rules applied.

    NOTES: The information at 2/ and 3/ has been extracted from a long verbatim interview that the 61-year-old Deanna gave in France in 1983 to the Great David Shipman [the Thinking Man’s Joel Hirschhorn]. When I got married somebody gave me as a part of a wedding present David’s 4 biographies of Olivier/Brando/Chaplin/Hitchcock which went under the umbrella heading of The Movie Makers.

    I have slightly paraphrased the original quotes because some were couched in much stronger language as was other information about Deanna’s private life and her sayings about her personal friends and acquaintances such as Judy Garland.

    Some of the comments of Kate and Deanna may shock prudes like The Work Horse; but I as a “Man of the World” I will always be a Durbin fan – me and Winston and probably that in turn means Boris as well!

  2. Added Steve’s Kate Winslet video to this page. Our thoughts found on his channel found below.

    “I have seen 29 of the 32 movies listed. Good subject for a video. Quietly one of the most Oscar nominated performers of all-time. Favorites include #6 Finding Neverland. #16 The Dressmaker…what an ending…did not see that coming at all. #14 Contagion….a very timely movie today. #8 Little Children….very dark but very good. Voted up and shared.”

    1. Hi Bruce, it was about time I did a video on Kate Winslet, she made quite a splash in Titanic, 23 years ago.

      Another impressive tally, 29 out of 32 is great, how many films have you watched for gawds sake? Do you remember them all? 😉

      I’ve seen 14 of the 32 films on this chart. I watched Contagion recently, almost looks like a documentary now. I also watched Outbreak which was a more enjoyable film on a similar subject. And I also watched The Andromeda Strain too.

      Thanks for the vote, share and comment, much appreciated.

  3. Steve and WH agree on 3 of Kate’s top 6 best reviewed: Eternal Sunshine; Hamlet; and Sense and Sensibility

    KATE WINSLET STEVE’s VIDEO: Best Stills-many very classy ones.
    1/All the King’s Men
    2/Mountain between Us
    3/Wonder Wheel-saucy!
    4/Holiday- I enjoyed it first time round; couldn’t stand it on 2nd viewing; thought recent TV remake with unknown performers was more enjoyable
    6/Labor Day
    7/Collateral Beauty – mildly enjoyable for me
    8/Revolutionary Road
    11/Contagion – very topical!
    12/Kate having a bath-seems to love taking off her clothes in movies!
    13/two for Titanic
    15Sense and Sensibility
    16/Eternal Sunshine.


    FL=Foreign Language Poster. Excellent Video – Rated 98.5% overall by me.
    1/Holy Smoke [first one]
    2/FL All the King’s Men
    3/Romance and Cigarettes – wow! Leaves little to imagination.
    4/two for Mountain Between
    5/two for Triple 9
    6/1st one for Insurgent
    8/FL for /Revolutionary Road -teaming with Leo again didn’t work at box office
    9/2nd one for Carnage – riveting art house movie
    10/Steve Joels
    13/Little Children
    14/FL for The Reader
    15/ALL posters for Titanic
    16/Finding Manchester
    18/FL for Eternal Sunshine-I forgot Kate was in that one. Awful title for my money
    19/Dressmaker – awful film I thought : I couldn’t watch it.

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