The Worst From The Best

We decided to name these movies….YELMEBM.  YELMEBM  Movies?  What the heck are YELMEBM movies?  That is our acronym for our latest Ultimate Movie Ranking (UMR) Page.  It stands for Yes, Even Legends Make Extremely Bad Movies.   The following table takes the worst ranked UMR movie of 75 Movie Legends and puts them in one massive table…..basically The Worst From The Best!

YELMEBM Movies Ranked By Combination of Box Office, Reviews and Awards (UMR Score) *Classic UMR Table (the one with all the stats is the second table)

YELMEBM Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort YELMEBM movies by movie title and movie trailers.
  • Sort YELMEBM movies by co-stars of his movies.
  • Sort YELMEBM movies by adjusted domestic box office grosses using current movie ticket cost
  • Sort YELMEBM movies by yearly domestic box office rank
  • Sort YELMEBM movies how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations each YELMEBM movie received and how many Oscar® wins each YELMEBM movie won.
  • Sort YELMEBM movies by Ultimate Movie Rankings (UMR) Score.  UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.
(Visited 1 times)

24 thoughts on “The Worst From The Best

    1. Good call Anonymous. This has been a fun page to do….just added trailers to all the movies…..there are indeed some bad movies in this table. Thanks for the feedback.

  1. fabulous, I saw 10, one in top 23. where were you when the lights went out, Doris day. a 5/10 not worth watching. saw the worst of Willis, Pacino, Deniro, Hackman, Eastwood, Wayne, Redford, Astaire. no gems.
    I hope some day to see all the pictures from Willis, Eastwood Tracy Bergman Streep, Poitier , Grant , Loy, Stewart, k Hepburn, Streisand, Hanks, O’hara , Hoffman and Newman.

    1. Hey bob cox….I have seen 15 of these clunkers. At one point…I loved Amazing Grace and Chuck…actualy I did a Top 50 movie list in the mid-1980s….and Amazing Grace and Chuck was on our greatest movies of all-time list. I thought Redford’s Havana was pretty good too. Not surprised there are no hidden gems here. That is a lot of people that you want to see all their movies….I like that goal! Good stuff.

    1. Hey Taylor….I agree there are some really bad movies listed here. Glad you like our acronym. I have not seen The Klansman…but I have heard it is awful! Good feedback.

      1. lemmon made both, how to murder your wife was way too good to be on this list according to my favorite web site UMR. flora I always appreciate your comments and your favorites always make my watchlist. so with fear and trepidation I add terror on a train LOL.

        1. Hey bob cox….last night I added trailers for most of these movies…you can now get a preview of Terror On A Train now. It does not look so bad…it certainly looks better than some of the Ford horror movies he appeared in at the end of his career. Good feedback.

      2. Hey Flora…he made How To Murder Your Wife in 1965….and then 31 years later he made Getting Away With Murder….in the later he played a Nazi war criminal…..hardly the subject for a COMEDY! That is almost…thankfully….a forgotten movie.

    1. Hey In The Shadows….I fixed that error. Jack Lemmon is now the credited actor for that clunker….as well as fixing my Denzel spelling error. Good to hear from you.

    1. Hey Layla….you are 100% correct…..I fixed that error. Thanks for the visit, the comment and the heads up. All are greatly appreciated.

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