Fay Wray Movies

Want to know the best Fay Wray movies?  How about the worst Fay Wray movies?  Curious about Fay Wray box office grosses or which Fay Wray movie picked up the most Oscar® nominations? Need to know which Fay Wray movie got the best reviews from critics and audiences? Well, you have come to the right place….because we have all of that information.

Fay Wray (1907-2004) was a Canadian-born American actress best remembered for starring as Ann Darrow in the 1933 film King Kong (1933). Through an acting career that spanned nearly six decades, Wray attained international recognition as an actress in horror films. She has been dubbed one of the early “scream queens”.  Her IMDb page shows 123 acting credits from 1923 to 1980.  This page will rank Fay Wray movies from Best to Worst in six different sortable columns of information.  To do well in our overall rankings a movie has to do well at the box office, get good reviews by critics, be liked by audiences, and get some award recognition.

1933’s King Kong

Fay Wray Movies Ranked In Chronological Order With Ultimate Movie Rankings Score (1 to 5 UMR Tickets) *Best combo of box office, reviews and awards.

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Fay Wray Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies any way you want.

  • Sort Fay Wray movies by her co-stars
  • Sort Fay Wray movies by adjusted domestic box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort Fay Wray movies by yearly domestic box office rank
  • Sort Fay Wray movies by how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations and how many Oscar® wins each Fay Wray movie received.
  • Sort Fay Wray movies by Ultimate Movie Rankings (UMR) Score.  UMR puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.
(Visited 1 times)

16 thoughts on “Fay Wray Movies

  1. I have seen 10 Fay Wray movies.

    The HIGHEST rated movie I have seen is King Kong. I have no interest in seeing any of the remakes.

    The highest rated movie I have NOT seen is Dirigible.

    The LOWEST rate movie I have seen is Crime of Passion.

    Favourite Fay Wray Movies:

    King Kong
    Tammy and the Bachelor
    The Richest Girl in the World
    The Cobweb
    Mystery of the Wax Museum
    Small Town Girl

    Other Fay Wray Movies I Have Seen:

    Viva Villa!
    The Bowery
    The Most Dangerous Game
    Crime of Passion

    1. Hey Flora…thanks for sharing your thoughts on Fay Wray. Tally count: Flora 10, Steve 6 and myself 4. 3 of the 4 that I have seen are listed on your favorites list. The Mystery of Kong in The Cobweb. My 4th movie seen is listed in your others list…The Most Dangerous Game. Good stuff as always.

  2. Kong Kong Kong!

    I’ve seen that classic a zillion times, even owned a copy on 8mm film. I wonder if that’s worth anything on ebay…

    Bruce, one of Faye’s best films is missing from the chart – Mystery of the Wax Museum, she does some of her best screaming in that horror classic.

    Of the 44 films on the chart I’ve seen just 5, not impressive. Favorites are – King Kong, The Most Dangerous Game and Doctor X. I’ve also seen Viva Villa and The Vampire Bat.

    When Faye Wray died in 2004, the lights on the Empire State Building were dimmed for 15 minutes in her memory.

    Kong tops all the charts, as it should. Still the greatest monster movie of them all.

    Nice work Bruce, Vote Up!

    Don’t forget about the missing Wax Museum.

    1. Hey Steve. First of all….thanks for the notice on Mystery of the Wax Museum…..I thought it was already on her section in the database….it now owns the 13th spot in the overall rankings. so much for thinking that way. My new tally count is 4……because I have seen Mystery of the Wax Museum. Your tally would be 6 since Wax is now on the table. Interesting about the Empire State Building dimming their lights in her honor. Glad you agree with Kong being her best movie. It was actually not very close. Good stuff.

  3. Obviously Fay is today probably most remembered for the 1933 King Kong. However for my money because modern Kong versions have the benefit of greater special effects one of two of them have put the 1933 outing somewhat in the shade so that it has not dated too well for me.

    The same could not be said for Faye herself in later years. I have been watching her recently in 3 episodes of Raymond Burr’s Perry Mason TV series made between 1958 and 65 when in real life she moved from her early to late fifties and I found her still a very attractive and sexy woman.

    1. Hey Bob….thanks for the feedback on our new Fay Wray page. I still think King Kong holds up very well. Though Peter Jackson’s Kong is also a very good movie. Thanks for the information on her Perry Mason shows. She had a nice long career. Good stuff as always.

      1. HI BIG BOY “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” is a wise old saying; and never more-so than when one becomes what today is politely called a “senior citizen.”

        Here is what I said to you. “However FOR MY MONEY because modern Kong versions have the benefit of greater special effects one of two of them have put the 1933 outing somewhat in the shade so that it has not dated too well FOR ME”. I didn’t of course capitalize those 5 words in my original comment.

        I always try to remember to emphasise that I speak only for myself. Goodness I do not suffer from the delusion that I’m an Oracle like Joel Hirschhorn who knows what Great people are even thinking! I never make sweeping statements like “Nobody went to see the mega-hit Desiree which much more than crashed the Cogerson magical TWO HUNDRED million-dollar barrier.”

        [TRANSLATION “I don’t like it or its star so nobody else SHOULD have liked it. They should have waited for Stallone to do Napoleon. Plenty of rocks and steps on the Isle of Elba for a beefcake boy to marathon up and down.”]

        It would though be nice to be able to TRUTHFULLY say once in a while something like “Steve and The Work Horse and I feel that these massive action franchises have become ridiculously boring and repetitive – oh for some real ACTING!”

  4. She stated a lot of her movies were “B” rated.
    Maybe that it why there are hard to find.
    Great UMR page, by the master.



    1. Hey Mike….I am pretty happy with 45 of her movies for the time being. But there are still so many of her movies to research. Glad you liked your requested page.

  5. Cogerson tally count: 3. I know not too impressive. So I guess I will only have a Top 3 personal Fay Wray movie list. 3rd place – The Cobweb 2nd place – The Most Dangerous Game and 1st place – King Kong.

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