July 21-23 Star Trek Weekend – 3 Star Trek Pages Updated

The last page I wrote at CogersonMovieScore.com was on the passing of Leonard Nimoy…..it was the very first page on UltimateMovieRankings.com.  With Star Trek: Beyond opening this weekend…I find it sad that the Leonard Nimoy is not around to enjoy it.


Leonard Nimoy

Over the years a few celebrity’s death have gotten me motivated to write a page on them.  I do not do this for every celebrity…..but for some reason it made me feel better to crank out a Tony Scott, Roger Ebert, David Bowie and Leonard Nimoy page on the day the news of their passing arrived.  The most recent passing that hit me hard was when Anton Yelchin died.  Like I said about Nimoy, I find it said that Anton is not around to see all the great reaction to his movie.


Anton Yelchin Movies

The finally Star Trek is one that not only looks at all 13 Star Trek movies…but also has a table that compares all 21 Star Trek and Star Wars movies.


Star Trek Movies