November 25th – Rest in Peace Nicolas Roeg

Nicolas Roeg Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort Nicolas Roeg movies by movie title and movie trailers.
  • Sort Nicolas Roeg movies by co-stars of his movies.
  • Sort Nicolas Roeg movies by adjusted domestic box office grosses using current movie ticket cost
  • Sort Nicolas Roeg movies by yearly domestic box office rank
  • Sort Nicolas Roeg movies how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations each Nicolas Roeg movie received and how many Oscar® wins each Nicolas Roeg movie won.
  • Sort Nicolas Roeg movies by Ultimate Movie Rankings (UMR) Score.  UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.

21 thoughts on “November 25th – Rest in Peace Nicolas Roeg”

  1. I’ve seen four of the 13 films on the chart – Walkabout, The Man Who Fell to Earth, The Witches and Don’t Look Now.

    I may have seen Castaway in my video renting days, can’t remember.

    Roeg was also a fine cinematographer and worked on one of my favorite Roger Corman / Vincent Price movies – The Masque of the Red Death.

    Don’t Look Now was his masterpiece though and it has an average rating of 8.3 on my video chart. One of the myths of that film is that the sex scene between Donald and Julie was not simulated.

    The final scene in Don’t Look Now is one of the most memorable shock twists in film history.

    A nice tribute Bruce.

    RIP Nic Roeg.

    1. Hey Steve….thanks for checking out our Nicolas Roeg tribute page. His career adjusted grosses are less than what Wreck It Ralph 2 pulled in this weekend in North America….I am finding that to be a fascinating stat.

      I have 3 of the 4 you have seen….Walkabout, The Man Who Fell to Earth and Don’t Look Now…all three of those are listed in the Danny Peary Cult Movie books.

      As for Don’t Look Now…I have heard the same rumor about it being real….apparently the same thing might have happened on the set of Performance…with Jagger having sex with at the time Ron Woods’ woman. As for the twist ending…it blew me away on my first viewing. Good stuff.

  2. I have seen 2 Nicolas Roeg movies:
    Don’t Look Now which I enjoyed, and Performance which I found bizarre and was a one time viewing for me. RIP Mr. Roeg.

    1. Hey Flora…I have seen 5 of his movies. I enjoyed Don’t Look Now a lot….what a great ending…did not see that coming at all. Thanks for the mini-review on Performance….that is one of the few Danny Peary movies that I have not seen yet. I have also seen Walkabout, The Man Who Fell To Earth, Insignificance and Eureka. Eureka has a great cast but it is wasted. I have not seen it over 3 decades…but my movie rating book from back then shows me giving it a 1/2 star rating. As always thanks for checking out tribute page. Good stuff.

  3. I loved Walkabout. I wasn’t a huge fan of Don’t Look Now or The Man Who Fall to Earth. Haven’t seen the rest.

    1. Walkabout is a good but pretty sad movie. From when their dad leaves them….to all the problems they face…to the sad ending of David Gulpilil’s character….sad but so memorable.

    1. At lunch this afternoon my wife and I were talking about his The Witches…which got us talking about Roeg’s The Man Who Fell To Earth….and then we get home and read about his passing…very very weird.

    1. Hey DirtyDave….I have not seen Castaway…..I will have to check that one out in the near future. RIP Mr. Nicolas Roeg.
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