November 25th – Rest in Peace Nicolas Roeg

Nicolas Roeg Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort Nicolas Roeg movies by movie title and movie trailers.
  • Sort Nicolas Roeg movies by co-stars of his movies.
  • Sort Nicolas Roeg movies by adjusted domestic box office grosses using current movie ticket cost
  • Sort Nicolas Roeg movies by yearly domestic box office rank
  • Sort Nicolas Roeg movies how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations each Nicolas Roeg movie received and how many Oscar® wins each Nicolas Roeg movie won.
  • Sort Nicolas Roeg movies by Ultimate Movie Rankings (UMR) Score.  UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.

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21 thoughts on “November 25th – Rest in Peace Nicolas Roeg”

  1. More misses than hits. Don’t Look Now was weird and that long sex scene was just uncomfortable. Rest in Peace.

    1. Ah but Julie Christie, I’d love a chance to be in a scene like that with her. She’s the main reason to watch Demon Seed (though it is an absurdly entertaining nearly-B-movie with relatively impressive production value)

      1. Very good point Frogarama about the “love scene” and Demon Seed. I have not seen Demon Seed in a very very long time

    2. Hey hownos… are right it was very long and very uncomfortable….just like the way Roeg liked his movies…lol. Trivia on that scene. Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie met for the first time on the set of this film. The first scene they had to shoot was the sex scene!….talk about being uncomfortable.

  2. Being honest, I have never heard of him or seen one of his films. I believe DirtyDave mentioned how Castaway (87), not the Tom Hanks one, is free to watch on YouTube:

    Thanks for sharing, Cogerson. I have a feeling Roeg would be pleased to see that his memory lives on. See you around!

    1. Hey twinA…..understandable….I used to get Nicolas Roeg mixed up with Nicolas Ray all the time. Even today when I noticed he passed….I thought the director of Rebel Without A Cause died…..then I realized it was the cult movie guy. Thanks for the kind words about our tribute to him.

  3. some great films in the list. ‘dont look now’ was very disquieting, creepy.

    some of those others i should check out. recommendations? or maybe a quality ranking of some sort?

    1. Hey jriley……it is hard to recommend his movies….as each is so different and unusual. My favorites are The Man Who Fell To Earth and Walkabout. However….back in my video store days….I would recommend those movies….and it would be a 50/50 chance that they would like the movie or they would hate the movie. The Witches is his easy movie to watch. Performance actually has a good Mick Jagger performance. I did not like Bad Timing at all….but some friends love that one. He is very hit and miss.

    1. Hey Bradin S. ….good to know some of his movies can be fun….I will have to check out Witches by next Halloween.

  4. His career saw limited box office success…..but saw lots of critical success. In the Danny Peary books….he listed 3 of Roeg’s movies as cult classics. 1970’s Performance, 1971’s Walkabout and 1976’s The Man Who Fell To Earth. That does not even include Don’t Look Now and Bad Timing which have also gained a nice following over the years. I think it is safe to say….that Nicolas Roeg was the King of the Cult Movies and will be missed. Rest in Peace Mr. Nicolas Roeg.

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