September 14th – Photos From Virginia Beach As Hurricane Florence Comes To Town

The bike trail that runs parallel to the ocean and boardwalk.
This is what our beaches looked like last month.
This was last night…..plenty of room for beach stuff.
That’s King Neptune guarding the Atlantic Ocean….from this photo he does not look too big.
This photo shows how big he is.
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6 thoughts on “September 14th – Photos From Virginia Beach As Hurricane Florence Comes To Town”

  1. Hey, good photos, I thought the girls were with you and thought they would have been disappointed there were no more winds or high surf. PERSONALLY I AM GLAD WE DID NOT
    HAVE THEM. Thanks for sharing…………………I have been busy doing a lot of reading these days, also making some cards……………….great having all this time……………………

    1. Hey Bern1960…..I see………you are using………I…….love……….it. The girls had no interest in leaving the house at all…..they are like teenagers already… This turned out to luckily be “the hurricane that was not” for us. Thanks for checking out our photos.

  2. Thanks for sharing these photographs. Again, I am glad that Hurricane Florence is likely to miss you all together.

    1. Hey Flora…..Florence barely gave us any rain. We got lucky this time….but hurricane season has a few more weeks left. Thanks for checking out our photos.

  3. Hey Bob….living near the ocean we basically deal with hurricanes every September…with it being a problem for us about every three or four years. We are actually over do for a bad one. The last bad one I remember is associated with writing a James Garner page…which was back when we were still at HubPages.

    Nowadays….government officials are so concerned about being blamed for not being proactive enough….they error on the side of extreme caution. We are out of school for the 4th day in a row. Tuesday and Wednesday were awesome days…sunny and not a cloud in the sky….yesterday it was overcast….and today it is sprinkling with some wind….and yet….here I am…at home and not at school.

    When I was a wee lad….I remember taking a swimming lesson in an outdoor pool… a hurricane was hitting our area…..back then… could not even cancel a swimming lesson…..and now we close everything at the blink of an eye.

    Glad you avoided your hurricane. As for why we name them? The official answer is….”Storms are given short, distinctive names to avoid confusion and streamline communications.” Thanks for checking out our photos.


    Thanks for sharing the photos. When I visited the States in 1999 I just missed one by the skin of my teeth – Hurricane Flloyd, Dennis, Joel or something like that.

    Frankly I can barely forgive you Americans for humanising these d**n things by giving them pet names. They can destroy property and entire communities, ruin lives and even take lives.

    It’s a pity some other means couldn’t be devised to identify these things. If you insist upon giving them names could you at least give them “bad guy” names that are more appropriate to their devastation such as Hurricane Adolf, Hurricane Bin Laden, Hurricane Stalin, Hurricane Attila or Hurricane Genghis?

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