UMR Oscar Pages


We have written lots of Oscar pages over the years…figured we should put them all on one page for easy reference.

Best Picture Oscar Winners

Best Actor Oscar Winners

Best Actress Oscar Winners

Best Supporting Actor Oscar Winners

Best Supporting Actress Oscar Winners

Best Director Oscar Winners

Best Editor Oscar Winning Movies

Best Adapted Screenplay Oscar Winning Movies

Best Original Screenplay Oscar Winning Movies

Best Original Score Oscar Winning Movies

Best Song Oscar Winning Movies

Best Makeup Oscar Winning Movies

Best Animated Movie Oscar Winners

Best Special Effects Oscar Winning Movies

Current Actors With No Oscar Nominations

Classic Actors Without Oscar Nomination

Best Picture Oscar Nominated Movies

44 thoughts on “UMR Oscar Pages

  1. It’s Oscar day folks! I might be tempted to watch it live (it starts at 1.30am here in the UK) or just record it and watch it tomorrow but can I avoid spoilers?

    I have three favorites – Dunkirk, Three Billboards and The Shape of Water. If any of those win I’ll be a happy chappy.

    Here are some snippets from an anonymous Oscar voter on the Best Picture nominees over at Hollywood Reporter –

    “I eliminated The Post first. To me, it was the most boring movie. I give it nine yawns out of ten.

    Three Billboards — there were a lot of things about it that bothered me. I heard the writer-director [Martin McDonagh] talk, and he seems like a very nice guy, but his film offered an awful take on what middle America is like. It was pretentious and false. If it was meant to be a farce, I didn’t find it funny — I don’t find bigotry funny, I don’t find a grownup hitting children funny, I don’t find someone blowing up a police station funny. These people were just caricatures.

    Then I eliminated Get Out. It’s a good B-movie and I enjoyed it, but what bothered me afterwards was that instead of focusing on the fact that this was an entertaining little horror movie that made quite a bit of money, they started trying to suggest it had deeper meaning than it does, and, as far as I’m concerned, they played the race card, and that really turned me off. In fact, at one of the luncheons, the lead actor [Daniel Kaluuya], who is not from the United States [he’s British], was giving us a lecture on racism in America and how black lives matter, and I thought, “What does this have to do with Get Out? They’re trying to make me think that if I don’t vote for this movie, I’m a racist.” I was really offended. That sealed it for me.

    Call Me by Your Name, Armie Hammer comes off as a 35-year-old hitting on a 17-year-old [22-year-old Timothee Chalamet], and that just bothered me — although I loved the cinematography and that house in Italy, which I understand is up for sale now.

    Then came Dunkirk. It was impressively made, but there was no heart or humanity in it, and I learned more about Dunkirk from five minutes of Darkest Hour than I did from the whole movie Dunkirk.

    Next out was Phantom Thread, which was beautifully made, but there was no one to like in the film.

    Lady Bird I liked quite a lot, but not enough to vote for it at number one.

    That left it down to Darkest Hour and The Shape of Water. Darkest Hour was pretty much a perfect movie to me — well, maybe not the subway scene, but it was really well done overall, and you really understood from it the courage that it took from Churchill to save that country. I wish we had more politicians today who were as courageous. While I thought it was the best movie of the year, I didn’t think it would have a chance of winning, so I put The Shape of Water, which I also liked a lot, at number one. It’s a beautiful film with a good story well told — horror meets love — and I’ll be very happy if it wins.

    My Vote: The Shape of Water”

    1. 1 I meant to say that enjoyed your “coming attractions” post of 4 March [12.40pm] about the Academy Awards and was pleasantly surprised that you had written so long a piece about something rather than posters and indeed it was so comprehensive that I had to check twice to be sure that neither Dan nor my good self had written it!

      2 Anyway congratulations on tipping The Shape of Water. I am not really a big fan of Oscar and never watch the ceremonies and regard the nominations/awards as more to do with Hollywood politics and mutual back-slapping than a real guide to the best acting [Stallone for Heaven’s sake – let’s get real!]. Often I think I would like to set Price’s Edward Lionheart on the entire gathering at those ceremonies.

      3 However you still can take a bow for your shrewdness in tipping the Best Picture and if you keep that up we’ll have to start nicknaming you “Joel Jr” – “And still they gaz’d and still the wonder grew. That one small head could carry all he knew.” [I also agree with your later comments about Dorothy Malone – no mileage in her anymore as there was with the overblown mountebank Stallone]

      4 The Work Horse is usually good in the predictions department too – when we can keep him impartial. Otherwise he can be all over the place. For example when I told him that I thought that Mature was a better actor than Stallone WH chastised me by reminding me of those two hyped-up nominations of Sly’s. Yet when one of WH’s own “pets” like Loy or Hanks gets overlooked Bruce bitches all over the site that the Academy doesn’t know what it’s doing!

      5 Mind you I agree with him about Hanks and whilst Myrna is no Katie or Bette she was as talented, and probably usually more so, than the long line of prima donnas who HAVE been given the nominations/awards down the years.

      6 Also of course we ALL can lack objectivity when it comes to our own idols [and I don’t care of one of mine IS a “mumbling, twitching boy”]. For example I have long admired Gary Oldman since I first saw him in the unimportant and long-forgotten 1988 Criminal Law with the excellent Kevin Bacon and as Count Alucard under Coppola’s direction and have felt that Gary was long overdue Oscar love as Bruce calls it [he always brings sex into it, doesn’t he?]

      7 Nevertheless I was in two minds about Gary’s award because as I’ve said previously you English are always giving yourselves titles, honours and awards through the Crown and there may be a case for excluding the English altogether from Oscar nominations/awards. However in the end the movie buff in me won out so I will close by saying congratulations to BOTH you and Gary – or should we start practising saying Sir Gary?

      1. Hi Bob, most of that post was edited from a longer article by an anonymous Oscar voter at Hollywood Reporter. I mention this in the third paragraph. Sorry if it came of at first glance as if I had written it. For what it’s worth I agree with much of what he (or she) says and I’m happy with The Shape of Water winning Best Picture and Gary Oldman’s Best Actor Oscar.

        Bruce and I were emailing each other during the live broadcast, his predictions were nearly all spot on. He should have placed some bets on the winners. But most of the winners were the favorites so the odds weren’t great.

        I think a Knighthood for Old Garyman would be well deserved. Tom Hardy, another intense actor, is in the Oldman mould and has already proven how versatile he is.

        Did you know Danny Boyle might be directing the next Bond movie with Daniel Craig? Boyle turned down a Knighthood in 2012.

  2. 1 Many of my own favourite movie stars have been Oscar winners, and whilst I still find the results interesting I no longer have the enthusiasm for the affair that I used to. That’s because I feel that they do not necessary always award the ‘best’ people/movies but instead are often driven by for example fashion, popularity, or even sentiment such as that somebody’s “time has come.”

    2 There is also often the influence of Hollywood ‘politics’ with nominees at times campaigning as vigorously as professional politicians. Wikipedia states unequivocally that the multiple Oscar NOMINATIONS success of the 1960 The Alamo was because of the Duke’s highly proactive campaign for his film. However it should be emphasised that Wayne did not stray outside the bounds of acceptable good taste because, when Chill Wills*** who was nominated as Best Supporting Actor for The Alamo reportedly embarrassed his supporters by over-stepping the mark in putting out a statement that the men who had died at the Alamo would have wanted Chill to win on their behalf, the Duke and Wills’ other well-wishers quickly disowned him and his bid was unsuccessful. [***Voice of Francis the Talking Mule]

    3 . However whilst I am not arguing that the people nominated do not deserve to be considered I no longer accept the outcome as necessarily definitive but rather as merely a guide just as I am sceptical about Quigley’s claim that it always identifies the biggest stars at the box office.

    4 Orson Wells seemed to enjoy debunking artistic pomposity and presumptuousness as he perceived it, and I loved his response when a TV interviewer haughtily asked him to name the best actor he had ever seen. Probably with tongue in cheek Welles replied that the best in his experience was an unknown Mexican extra who had played a walk on part in one of Orson’s movie but refused to pursue an acting career as he preferred to work in the fields back home !

    1. Hey Bob.
      1. Normally I am very excited about the Oscars…this year that was not the case….as I actually thought about skipping them this year. Since 1981 I have only missed them once…and that was the year Babe got so many nominations…that made me mad for some reason….in the end I decided to watch this this year too….but I cand understand your point in number 1.
      2. Chill Wills campaign to win has become legendary….though it failed to get him an Oscar.
      3. Good point in number three…I feel the same way with Moonlight winning last night.
      4. Funny story about Welles and the Mexican extra.
      Good feedback as always.

      1. HI BRUCE

        1 Herein lies probably the only stat on which I can beat you! Many of my very favourite stars have got Oscars – Stewart, Peck, Brando, the Duke, Chuck and Joan C – but Grant, Willis Sir Maurice and even Myrna have all let you down.

        2 However in fairness whilst I would not make a case for Willis, Cary and Sir M SHOULD have been successful instead of having to settle for an honorary Oscar and a supporting one respectively. It seems that Grant’s deceptively laid back style caused the Academy to regard him as not ‘dramatic’ enough whereas the highly respected Italian director [of Bicycle Thieves, Garden of Finzi-Continis and other classics] and actor Vittorio De Sica recognised that Cary was a “great” actor..

        3 Admittedly in recent times Sir M has been in many supporting roles and/or junk movies but he was brilliant in Sleuth and although in 1973 he was up against Sir Laurence and Mr Mumbles when Godpop was all the rage there was no excuse in my view for not giving Micklewhite one for Educating Rita in which he was superb or for Little Voice in which his performance was simply stunning and which he totally dominated As it is IMDB currently rates him the 14th greatest actor of all time just two places below Larry so what does it say about the Academy when the “14th greatest actor of all time” has not been given a leading actor Oscar?

        4 However you too are perhaps guilty of not giving an actor his just deserts as I note that you are still crediting Denzel with just 4 Tony Scott movies – my post of Feb 24 on Tony’s page refers. I think though that your site has now become such a vast empire to police that we may have to live with the occasional very minor error at least until the site becomes dynamic. So let pedants like Lensman nitpick all they like because yours is still in my view the best show in town for ALL ROUND information about movies particularly those from the Classic Era just as Steve’as is the tops in my book for cinematic graphics.

        1. Hey Bob ….Sir Michael is a two time Oscar winner….and should not be included with the rest….granted I know they were supporting Oscars….but his title is still 2 time Oscar winning actor Michael Caine.

          I will have to see which Tony Scott/Denzel Washington movie I did not list. I think something you are noticing is….the column is not titled Co-Stars….but UMR Co-Star Links….as I give somebody that has a UMR page more credit….sometimes when a star is listed many times on a table….I use a UMR star that has not been shown….versus one that has 4 links already on the table.

          The next rule I try and follow is…..also include Michael Caine and Angela Lansbury whenever possible.

          1. BRUCE

            You’ve actually listed all 5 Denzel movies on Tony Scott’s page but your lead in paragraphs refer to only 4 movies together. so it is just a question of changing the 4 to a 5. All other pairing that you mention are accurate. It is a minor point though and I’m just trying to be helpful

  3. Hey Chris….this was a comment from 2011….between me and RobWrite…back in my Hub Pages days.

    “Hey Rob…thanks for the comment and the visit. I think the Crawford/Davis feud would make a great movie….it could cover all the legendary stories of the feud and it would cover almost 40 years of their mutual hatred for each other.

    Get some current talented young actresses like Amanda Seyfried as Davis and Rachael McAdams as Crawford…they could play the young, middle age and old age versions. So what do you think?” Maybe somebody was listening to me….lol.

  4. Hi

    One week to go and I decided to watch a couple of Oscar winners. It Happened One Night and Birdman. Both so vastly different yet equally enjoyable.
    It Happened One Night is such fun and apart from the two main stars, the film is peppered with wonderful characters who were so great in the 30’s. Even today you can understand why it was such a success and truly stands the test of time.
    Birdman is a totally different kettle of fish, it’s weird and yet really wonderful. It must be one of the best films about plays, its most famous scene is probably Keaton running about Broadway in his underwear. But for me the best scene is him in the bar pleading with the critic to go easy on him, this all powerful critic who has the ability to ruin the success of a show in one scathing review. He’s pleading as it won’t cost her anything but she has all that power and it is so unfair.
    The rest of the cast are superb, especially Emma Stone. Definitely a weird one but worth the watch.
    I also watched Funny Girl for the first time, the movie isn’t that great but Streisand is incredible in the role. Amazing that it was a tie for the Oscar. I wonder if it was a genuine tie, unlike the 1932 tie where there was definitely a few votes of a discrepancy.
    Ps. Seen a preview of Feud, Davis and Crawford making Whatever Happened to Baby Jane. It will be a must for any fan of old Hollywood.

    1. Hey Chris…..thanks for the mini reviews on It Happened One Night and Birdman….I agree they are vastly different. I agree with you about the Clark Gable classic….he and Colbert made a wonderful team. I remember when I watched Birdman….it was on Oscar Sunday….we watched about half of the movie….then the Oscar show came on…..and watched the 2nd half right after the Oscar show went off… it became a Best Picture Oscar winning movie right in the middle of the movie. A strange memory that will stick with me forever.

      I also liked that scene with Keaton and Lindsay Duncan. I thought Norton was a blast as well…I was much more impressed with Emma Stone in La La Land than her role in Birdman….but they are both great performances. Funny Girl has great music….and made Babs a star…but it is not a movie I think I will ever watch again….it was a one and done movie for me. Yep…Feud….will be a must watch movie for any movie buff…..I actually had the idea for a Davis/Crawford feud movie years ago…seeing if I can dig up that comment. Thanks for sharing your recent movie viewings. Good stuff.

    1. Hey SteinHOF…yep this page has lots of Oscar winning movies for sure….lots of man hours in these pages….thanks for the comment and thanks for stopping by.

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