Who Is The Next Marlon Brando?

In sports they are always talking about who might be basketball’s next Michael Jordan, football’s next Peyton Manning, hockey’s next Wayne Gretzky or baseball’s Derek Jeter.  So if they can have those discussions with sports….it only seems fair to have those discussions about actors and actresses.  This page is going to try and answer the question…Who is the next Marlon Brando? Not to mention many other stars from the past.

Who is the next Spencer Tracy?  Our pick is Mr. Morgan Freeman.

morgan tracy 2

But Why? All the way back in 2011 we wrote a page on Morgan Freeman.  Chris, one of our commenters said “If I could compare him to any of the classic stars, I would say Spencer Tracy, because he comes across as the most natural actors ever and like Tracy, he makes acting look very easy.”  I liked and agreed with his comment….and the idea for this page was created.  In my return comment to Chris, I said….”well if I ever write that page I will give you credit for Who is the new Tracy?”…five plus years later I kept my word.

Who is the next Katharine Hepburn?  Our pick is Meryl Streep.

katharine streep

But Why?  Katharine Hepburn and Meryl Streep are simply the two greatest actresses ever.  Hepburn made movies from 1932-1994…while Streep has been making movies since 1975….that’s a combined 84 years of quality performances.  Together they have earned 31 Oscar® nominations and have won 7 Oscars®.

Who is the next Jerry Lewis?  Our pick is Adam Sandler.

Jerry Sandler

But Why?  “I’ve had great success being a total idiot. …. I get paid for what most kids get punished for” – Jerry Lewis. Pretty sure Adam Sandler has had that same exact thoughts.

Who is the next Paul Muni? Our pick is Daniel Day-Lewis.

paul lewis

But Why?  First of all I am sure some of the younger readers are wondering who is Paul Muni? Muni was an Oscar® winning actor who was considered by many to be the best actor working in the 1930s.  Muni disappeared so far into his characters that audiences never got to really know Muni.  Hey that sounds like 3-time Oscar® winner Daniel Day-Lewis.

Who is the next Charles Bronson? Our pick is Bruce Willis.


But Why?  Ok….we admit it….we are huge Bruce Willis fans….so we had to get him on this page.  Got lots of suggestions.  James Cagney, Richard Widmark, Steve McQueen and Gary Cooper were all rejected…..but in the end Charles Bronson seemed to be the best fit.  Both actors were known for their action roles and both actors were not considered great thespians.   But they both had incredible screen presence.  Added bonus is the fact that Bruce is signed to play the Bronson part in a Death Wish reboot.

Who is the next James Stewart?  Our pick is Tom Hanks.

james hanks

But Why?  Trying to match Tom Hanks with a Screen Legend was sort of difficult as he seemed like a good match for Cary Grant and Gary Cooper as well.  In the end we went with Hanks’ acting idol James Stewart.  Both actors appeared in quality movie after quality movie and always gave good to great performances.  Off screen they both had great reputations as good people.

Who is the next Doris Day?  Our pick is Sandra Bullock.


But Why?  Doris Day was the queen of the romantic comedy in the 1950s and 1960s…while Sandra Bullock was the queen of the romantic comedy in the 1990s and 2000s.  We realize Bullock can not sing like Day and that Day does not have an Oscar win on her resume.  Speaking of Oscars….it is not past time to give Day an Honorary Oscar?

Who is the next Sidney Poitier?  Our pick is Denzel Washington.

sidney washington

But Why?  Denzel Washington’s Oscar® winning acceptance speech for Training Day says it all. “I will always be chasing you Sidney, I will always be following in your footsteps, there is nothing I rather do sir.”

Who is the next John Wayne?  Our pick is Clint Eastwood.

john eastwood

But Why?  My first thought was there will never be another John Wayne.  But the more I thought about Clint Eastwood the more this pick made sense.  Both Wayne and Eastwood became superstars for their roles in westerns.  Both actors were very tall…they both were 6 feet 4 inches tall.   Their screen personas were almost identical.  As they both had a forceful screen presence with virile masculinity and appeared to be indestructible.

Who is the next Edward G. Robinson?  Our pick Philip Seymour Hoffman.

edward g hoffman

But Why?  When we originally came up with this pick…Philip Seymour Hoffman was alive and well…sadly he passed away before we got this page finished.  After a stellar leading man career, Edward G. Robinson, became one of the greatest supporting actors ever.  We really think that is where PSH was heading…to be the next EGR.

Who is the next Gary Cooper?  Our pick is Harrison Ford.


But Why?  When we think of Gary Cooper and Harrison Ford…one word pops into our minds…..hero.  Cooper played the hero in movies from the 1920s to the early 1960s.  Ford played the hero in movies from the mid 1970s to present day….that is almost 80 years of movies where you can find either Cooper or Ford playing a hero.

Who is the next Robert Mitchum?  Our pick is Jean Reno.

robert reno

But Why?  First of all there seems to be somewhat of a resemblance between the AFI Screen Legend Robert Mitchum and French actor Jean Reno.  In Reno’s Leon: The Professional he tries to walk like John Wayne…but I always thought he walked more like Mitchum in that movie.  The other connection is that they both have the same quiet intensity in their performances.

Who is the next Paul Newman?  Our pick is Matthew McConaughey.


But Why?  We remember when Matthew McConaughey’s A Time To Kill was being released… McConaughey was labeled the next Paul Newman.  At the time that seemed pretty ridiculous.  Fast forward over 20 years and that no longer seems ridiculous.  Both are Oscar winners and both have had to overcome their good lucks to be considered great actors.

Who is the next Marlon Brando?  Our pick is Leonardo DiCaprio.


But Why?  Actually drew a blank when thinking about who is the next Marlon Brando.  So we asked an expert on Brando, Bob from Belfast, what he thought.   He suggested Leonardo DiCaprio.  We took his suggestion and did a twitter poll on that question….and Leo got 75% of the vote followed by 17% for Tom Hardy and 8% for Sean Penn.  In the end….we decided to go along with their logic and pick DiCaprio as the next Brando.

So what do you think?  Are our picks completely wrong?  Are they looking good?  Got any suggestions for better matches?  There are many more stars we looked at (Bogart, McQueen, Peck, Cagney)…but we could not find a good match.  Looking forward to some feedback.



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77 thoughts on “Who Is The Next Marlon Brando?

  1. Hi

    Thanks for the credit on the page. Haven’t been on in over a week as I’ve been on holidays. in New York. On the plane I seen a movie called Elvis and Nixon, one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time. Kevin Spacey plays Nixon and he was brilliant. I don’t know how accurate the movie is but it’s a great story. Anyway onto your list.
    I don’t know if I’d put Streep as the new Hepburn, more the Bette Davis. Streep herself has been quoted as being a great admirer of Davis where Hepburn has been quoted as not being a fan of Streep. I definitely agree with Hanks being the new James Stewart. I remember in the 80’s when he really hit the big time that he said he’d love to leave a body of work similar to Stewart.
    A few years ago I wouldn’t have DiCaprio as the new Brando but the past few years he’s been so good, I’ll give you that. No doubt Eastwood the new Wayne but who’s the new Eastwood?
    Interesting choice for Edward G Robinson.
    You mentioned Sandra Bullock as Doris Day. Well she’s certainly the girl next door but I would also mention Reese Witherspoon.
    I always seen Kevin Costner as taking the mantle for Gary Cooper. These old times stars lasted for years where some modern actors only get 5 years. Only a select few stay the course. I mean what’s happened to Bradley Cooper, but there’s always the comeback. Michael Keaton for instance in Birdman.
    As for the new Meryl Streep I would go for Amy Adams. Sadly there’s no new Fred Astaire or Gene Kelly. A great page and thanks again for the mention.

    1. Hey Chris….hope your trip to New York was a good one. I have heard good things about Elvis and Nixon. I am quickly becoming a huge fan of Michael Shannon…..and yet we have no Shannon UMR page.
      I thought the Streep/Hepburn was a good one….actually I drew huge blanks on Davis and Crawford….though one of your favorites, Glenn Close, got some mentions as the next Davis. I think their Oscar is history is what got me putting them together.
      As for Leo….I actually did a twitter poll on that and Leo got more votes than Tom Hardy and Sean Penn….not to mention it came from a suggestion from Bob.
      As for the next Eastwood? Not thinking I see anybody filling those shoes anytime soon.
      Steve Lensman of the UK agrees with you about Cooper/Costner…..I think it is a good match…but the fact that Costner short time as a top star….gave Ford the edge.
      This was a fun page….and many of your suggestions make me think there is more gold to be found in these hills….lol…..as another page could look at the stars of the 1970s and 1980s and which current stars matchup with them
      Thanks for the initial idea….I had a lot of fun putting this together.

  2. Most I agree with. But I admit I am not know much about Robinson to compare him to Hoffman. Also Reno might have Mitchum eyes but that is all I see. Fun page/article/report. What do you call these things?

    1. Hey Stein…..well these matchups are very subjective….it was a fun page to do….glad you see that Reno and Mitchum have the same eyes…..though we are pretty alone in thinking they look alike. As for what we call these things…normally we call them pages. thanks for the visit and the comment.

  3. I think Clint’s earlier movies were to establish his name but if you look at his later movies he was more of a hero type and had good intentions (Unforgiven, Josie Wales, Pale Rider)

    1. Hey Daniel….good point….I think it is safe to say……once Clint got the power he used it changed his early screen persona and like you said…his later movies he was more of a hero….with the three you mentioned as being the best examples of that.

    1. In France, lot of people think Jean Dujardin is the next Jean-Paul Belmondo.

      Question, in your opinion, if Clint is the next John Wayne, who will be the next Clint Eastwood ?

      1. Hey Laurent…I can see Dujardin as the Belmondo…as for the next Eastwood….that is tough one….maybe somebody like Chris Pratt….if Pratt can remain a star for the next 30 years and start to become a successful director. It will be interesting to see how Pratt does in a western….The Magnificent Seven. Thanks for the feedback.

    2. Hey Laurent…just watched Reno in 22 Bullets…and when the movie went off…I thought…..his role in that one could have been a Mitchum role…plus although I have not found anybody to agree with me…I think Reno and Mitchum….look a little bit alike. Thanks for the comment and the visit.

  4. Charlton Heston and Russell Crowe is a good choice Bruce. Epic movies seem to suit Mr. Crowe. In one of our email chats you also suggested Christian Bale as Heston’s successor, I can see why, they both played Moses on film. But I prefer Crowe in that sort of film.

    Denzel as the new Sidney Poitier is an obvious choice. The next Eddie Murphy? Kevin Hart? Hart is funny but Murphy is much more talented and can play action roles too.

    The next John Candy? In a gender switch – Melissa McCarthy seems to have taken up the mantle of no.1 ‘extra-large’ comedy star.

    1. Hey Steve….yep I forgot to include your favorite Mr. Heston….but when I figure out 4 more matches…I will add him to the list. I really like the McCarthy/Candy one. Murphy is a good one…..but I would think Pryor/Murphy would be a good pick…..but is Pryor classic? Thanks for the suggestions…and the return visit.

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