1977 Movies

Jump To 1977 Movie Links (Mobile Friendly):
1. Box Office 2. Oscar Movies 3. Rankings 4. Reviews 5. Top Stars of 1977 6. Trailers 7. UMR Table

To make this list a movie had to be made in 1977.  This page ranks at 127 1977 Movies.  The movies are ranked by using a mathematical formula that uses box office grosses, reviews and awards.    A score of 100 is perfect…less than 10 is horrible.   Any movie with a score over 60 could be considered a good movie.  This only represents about 33% of the movies made in 1977….but should cover the top box office movies.

Our UMR Top 50 of 1977

1977 Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort 1977 Movies by movie titles and movie trailers
  • Sort 1977 Movies by the stars or in some cases the director of the movie.
  • Sort 1977 Movies by domestic adjusted box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort 1977 Movies how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations each 1975 Movies received and how many Oscar® wins each 1977 Movies received.
  • Sort 1977 Movies by Ultimate Movie Ranking Score (UMR).  Our UMR score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.


1. Box Office 2. Oscar Movies 3. Rankings 4. Reviews 5. Top Stars of 1977 6. Trailers 7. UMR Table

(Visited 1 times)

30 thoughts on “1977 Movies

  1. Thanks Steve for trying to get Bruce to answer my comment from the 1977 Movies By Ultimate Movie Ranking. I can see now that it is best for me to wait and see what comment page gets most comments so that my comment is not “lost in the wind” as you say

    Since I do not know how to copy and paste comments on this website, I will try to rewrite my original comment.

    I saw 18 movies from 1977. That is my lowest total. I don’t know if 1978 will be lower. Will you be continuing these yearly review into the 1980’s?

    The highest rated film I saw was The Goodbye Girl at number 3.

    The highest rated film I have NOT sen is Star Wars.

    The LOWEST rated film I saw was Grand Theft Auto.

    Here is my viewing for the Top 30:

    6 out of 10: The Goodbye Girl, Saturday Night Fever, Julia, The Rescuers, A Bridge Too Far, and Smokey and the Bandit
    10 out of 20: The Spy WHo Loved Me, Oh, God!, Slap Shot, Pete’s Dragon
    13 out of 30: High Anxiety, MacArthur, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

    I enjoyed Rollercoaster starring Richard Widmark. I have not been able to find two other Widmark titles: Twilight’s Last Gleaming, and The Domino Principle.

    My Favourite 1977 Movies are:

    The Spy Who Loved Me
    Saturday Night Fever
    High Anxiety
    A Bridge Too Far

  2. Bruce, Flora has a point. It’s easier to miss our comments now they are spread over several different pages for each subject. You’ve already missed Flora’s 1977 comment.

    Maybe one comment box for each subject would be neater.

    1. Thank-you Steve. I am surprised that Bruce missed my comment being that he did answer your comment on the UMR table page after I had already commented.

    2. Hey Steve and Flora….over the weekend we were watching the people on the website….the good news is….on the pages that have the new format….the mobile users are spending a significant amount more time on those pages…so as an experiment…I added the comment box to this one. Actually we are looking at unlocking the comment box on all 4600 pages. Currently comment boxes on only on about 1500 of the pages. Eventually…as the new format continues to expand….the traffic will increase on the mobile friendly page. Another program called heatmap is showing that the pages that do not have the comment are seeing some “red areas” were the comment box would be….so it seems they are looking to comment. I think the regulars will continue to comment on the UMR page….but the other pages should start increases their “average duration”. A long answer….I know….but it is something we are looking at very closely.

      1. Bruce, thanks for explaining the situation. Looks like going mobile friendly is permanently changing the UMR and there are now more pages than ever to sort out .

        My point was that it’s easier to miss people’s comments when they are scattered around everywhere. For instance did you know Flora commented on one of your 1977 pages a few days ago?

        The chances of comments not being read ‘at all’ has increased. Which would be okay if we limit our comments to “nice” or “I like this actor” or “I disagree with your no.1”. But some of us post ‘meatier’ comments, and it’s not just Bob.

        1. Hey Steve….I understand your concern….I blame Bob….he put the comment in the mobile box…..lol. Taking a page from Bob and Flora….adding in some song lyrics from an Oscar nominated song…with a slight change.

          “Time’s have changed
          Our kids are getting worse
          They won’t obey their parents
          They just want to fart and curse

          Should we blame the government?
          Or blame society?
          Or should we blame the images on TV?

          No, blame Bob, blame Bob
          With all their beady little eyes
          And flappin’ heads so full of lies

          Blame Bob, blame Bob
          We need to form a full assault
          It’s Bob’s fault”

          1. HEY BRUCE

            I like the rhyme but your new departure of going into poetry reminds me of what Britain’s Labour leader Harold Wilson said in 1966 when the Conservatives adopted some of his policies and passed them off as their own –

            “Hey! – who’s stealing my clothes?”

            Though I suppose it could be argued that within that context I am a “cross dresser” as it was actually Flora who put it into my mind to use poetry as she did that to make some of her most pungent observations.

          2. Hey Bob…had to find somebody to blame….and you fit the bill….lol. So rarely does a song come to my mind…..as movies get all of my excess brain power versus music. So don’t worry this is a few and far between case.

          3. I wonder if you can have WoC pool all comments(especially mobile comments) for a site under the UMR complete table while letting them continue on each page?
            ouch ! I could handle the responsibility but What About Bob (with dreyfus and Murray)? What does Newhart have to do with this. or is it Bob Roberts , one of my favorites with Tim Robbins. sponge Bob? Bob the builder? Bob Dole? a Bob Cogerson, never. Belfast Bob creating controversy with his great shares , again! no surprise. Now he is a new and improved tech savvy Bob Roy. able to comment from tall buildings, able to comment from powerful locomotives, commenting faster than a speeding bullet.
            thank you Bob. thank you cogerson, thank you WoC , thanks to UMR.

          4. Hey bob cox….not thinking Professor WoC is going to be able to do anything with the website for awhile….she is currently in class as a student twice a week and teach two other classes as a Professor…..on top of getting a promotion at “real job”…..sadly she is barely home these days….much less….having spare time for UMR…..but things will work their way out. As for Belfast Bob….he is always causing problems…lol. Thanks for the kind words and suggestion.

          5. Funny lyrics. I am not familiar with the original song.

            Regarding your experiment.I will bow to the majority. If most comments are on the mobile page,my comments will be more likely read on the mobile friendly page.

          6. Hey Flora….this is the actual lyrics…..the song is called Blame Canada. It is from the animated movie…Southpark: Bigger, Longer and Uncut…..it even managed to get an Oscar nomination…..with Robin Williams’ singing the song on the Oscar show.

            “Time’s have changed
            Our kids are getting worse
            They won’t obey their parents
            They just want to fart and curse

            Should we blame the government?
            Or blame society?
            Or should we blame the images on TV?

            No, blame Canada, blame Canada
            With all their beady little eyes
            And flappin’ heads so full of lies

            Blame Canada, blame Canada
            We need to form a full assault
            It’s Canada’s fault”

        2. The problems that you identify existed to an extent even under the old format.

          Many posts that I have addressed to Bruce directly over the last year or so have gone unanswered so I can not be sure that he even saw them or that he either has not had the time to reply or is simply not interested, which is his prerogative of course.

          Some of them have pointed out factual errors that remain in existence to this day. For example some months ago I told him that his 1955 annual review wrongly listed Gabby Hayes as the star of Jump into Hell, but Gabby’s name remains as the acting credit on the table concerned.

          I’m beginning to wonder if Hayes was a hero of Joel and it would be too painful for the ole W/Horse to delete ANY reference to Gabby!!

          Just last weekeven I think I pointed out that Bruce’s date of birth [1966] for Jodie Foster in his Possibly Interesting Facts on her Cogerson page conflicts with that in the page’s opening preamble which cites 1962. The apparent contradiction still exists

          It may be of course that Jodie like my Joan managed to get a later date of birth into the records to disguise her true age!

          However as you know I playfully nicknamed Bruce Work Horse because it is truly amazing the volume of all different kinds of tasks he gets through in a day so it may be that we are bombarding him with too many posts and we should cut down on them.

          I do as you know try to partially address that potential problem by designating the particular person whom I wish to receive a post

          However reducing the number of posts has it’s drawbacks as Bruce’s feedback is usually useful to me and it can be argued that if I send less of them the odds could be that I will have the benefit of less of his comments so that I am in fact “throwing the Baby [sorry Jennifer!] out with the bathwater.” as the saying goes.

          I agree that many regulars of this site make “meaty” comments but at times I worry that my own “meat” might well be too raw when I raise some topics – those relating to the English for example !!!

          1. Hi Bob, Bruce is too busy and easily distracted, he seems to have only a handful of minutes set aside each day with which to look over this epic website, before moving on to something else. And if he misses a comment it’s gone with the wind.

            A far cry from our Hubpages days when little Bruce would leap up and down with excitement whenever someone commented on one of his hubs. He even went to the trouble of moving all our old hub comments to this site. He didn’t want to lose them forever.

            Twice I’ve tried to turn his head to the direction of Flora’s 1977 comment and twice I’ve failed! I give up! 🙂

          2. Hey Steve….yes it is way different than Hub Pages….I am trying to keep up with the comments…..I do spend about 6 hours a week doing comments…..not bad considering I was working two jobs this summer….and that does not even count making sure my little ones survived the summer….so far so good….they only have 5 more days of freedom. I am now down to one job……but it is taking about 14 hours a day of my time. Doing lesson plans for 4 different classes (3 Math classes and 1 History class) is so much fun…I highly recommend it. As for Flora’s comment….I did respond to it days ago….but somehow it vanished…I have since done a second comment….which it was there a few minutes ago.

          3. Hey Bob….Jodie and Gabby have been fixed. Sorry I did not catch those shout outs…..I thought I had taken care of Jump Into Hell…but I guess I did not….I just missed the Jodie error. Gabby is not a hero of Joel’s….just not enough time to do everything I want. As crazy as my schedule is…WoC’s is even crazier….so I can not complain.

        3. Hey Steve……we like the “meatier comments” too…..and do not want to drive them away……but we have to keep up with the times……old guys like us and desk top computers are becoming a thing of the past…..it is scary becoming extinct….lol.

          1. HI BRUCE

            Point taken! You know that one of my own fave cliche sayings is L P Hartley’s “The past is a foreign country. They do things differently there.”

            When Julie Christie and Sir Michael Redgrave made a screen version of Hartley’s The Go Between in 1971 Sir Michael says that line at the start of the film as he recalls his boyhood as a go-between in the romance between Julie and Alan Bates a kind of scandalous Lady Chatterly type relationship.

            Also google “L P Hartley’s the Go Between – quotes”..

            Best wishes again from BOB

            ” I guess I’m just a piece of meat to you guys!”- Martin Crane when Frasier and Niles want him to romance a female friend for their personal gain.

  3. I wrote my thoughts and films seen on the same page Steve Lensman did: 1977 Movies Ranked by Ultimate Movie Rankings. I thought that the page with the full UMR table would be the only page with a comment box to make it easier to follow conversations?

    1. Hey Flora…the ever changing ways of the internet…..did the added comment box to see if some new commenters were being excluded….because they stayed on the mobile friendly pages….longer comment is attached to Steve’s comment.

    2. HI STEVE

      Well put. I can only add that it’s just the same with kids and new toys.

      “The little toy dog is covered with rust
      But sturdy and strong he stands.
      The little toy soldier is red with rust
      And his musket moulds in his hands.

      Time was when the little toy dog was new
      And the soldier was passing fair.
      And that was the time when our Little Boy Blue
      Kissed them and put them there.

      Oh the years are many and the years are long
      But our little toy friends are true
      So they’ve wondered as waiting these long years through
      In the dust of a little chair.
      Oh what has become of our Little Boy Blue
      Since he kissed them and put them there”

      Sadly for US the Work Horse is our Little Boy Blue.

  4. Hey Bob. Good thoughts on our 1977 movie page. I agree with almost all of your points. Star Wars alone makes this a “historic year in movies”. Your are correct…Star Wars is only behind Gone With The Wind in lots of categories…including the stats you mention. This year was when I was finally seeing outside my Disney movie box. Everybody at school was talking about Saturday Night Fever (though we were too young to see the R rated version)….they actually released a PG version for young pups like me. Burt was king…but it is sad to realize that the success of Smoky probably doomed Burt in the long run. Glad you like the multi page format…..I did not include trivia here….like I did on the 1975 page…..it took a lot of time to do….and yet almost nobody checked it out….but all the rest of the pages are. The Crater Lake Monster is a favorite?…..now that is very interesting….I will have to at least attach a trailer for that movie. Good feedback…as always.

    1. HI BRUCE

      Thanks for feedback and information..

      With today’s lucrative DVD/Video market Star Wars 1977 may well have been watched by more people and have a greater overall WW gross than GWTW

      I am ASSUMING that The Crater Lake Monster would be a fave of Steve as he’s heavily into sci-fi/horror movies.

      If he’s unaware of it he will probably now look out for it!

      Again best of luck today – “Teach”!

      1. Hey Bob…I agree with you about The Crater Lake Monster being one of Steve’s favorites…though he did not mention in his favorites (I think).

        First two days of being back to school have been hectic….my classroom got switched this morning….that created a very very long day….especially with Orientation being on Thursday morning…best laid plans went up in smoke this morning.

  5. HI “TEACH”
    Wow – what a year at the box office! The top 6 hits alone in your box office chart accumulated a staggering $3.67 billion with all of them grossing more than 3 times your magical 100 million dollars benchmark.

    For the movie buff 1977 was a historically significant year in a number of ways. For example among those of greatest interest to me are-

    1/Star Wars ultimately became the first modern film to exceed more than $1 and A HALF billion in adjusted domestic grosses [approx. $1.6 according to you] and I think that the only other film ever to do that is in fact GWTW [around $1.8 billion]. Is that right? [the adjusted worldwide Star Wars figure is I see not too far short of $3 billion -wow plus!]

    2/1977 saw the emergence of Travolta as a modern superstar and Legend.

    3/With the mega hit Smokey and the Bandit Burt Reynolds consolidated his status a “beast at the box office” as you would put it. Unfortunately as we know the 1980s saw him lose that status.

    I am finding your new multi-page format highly valuable for quick referencing of any one particular aspect of a career/subject. You have refused to let me talk you out of bad ideas at times so don’t let Steve talk you into reversing a good idea!

    If he takes the trouble to read your box office chart right to the end he will see that the penultimate entry is one of his own fave types of movie – The Crater Lake Monster.

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