Kurt Russell Movies

Want to know the best Kurt Russell movies?  How about the worst Kurt Russell movies?  Curious about Kurt Russell’s box office grosses or which Kurt Russell movie picked up the most Oscar® nominations? Need to know which Kurt Russell movie got the best reviews from critics and audiences? Well you have come to the right place….because we have all of that information.

Kurt Russell (1951-) started in the entertainment business in the early 1960s. Starting out in television, he spent his youth making movies with people like Elvis Presley in It Happened At The World’s Fair and James Stewart in Fools’ Parade. Seeing the talent Russell had, Walt Disney signed him to a 10 year contract with Disney and he became one of the top stars for Disney in the 1970s.  After 18 years of acting Kurt Russell left Hollywood and became a professional baseball player. He signed with California Angels and made it to their Double A team before an injury ended his career. At this point he returned to his acting career.

His IMDb page shows over 100 acting credits since 1962.  This page will rank Kurt Russell movies from Best to Worst in four different sortable columns of information. Cameos, television appearances, straight to DVD movies and shorts were not included in the rankings.

Kurt Russell Movies Ranked In Chronological Order With Ultimate Movie Rankings Score (1 to 5 UMR Tickets) *Best combo of box office, reviews and awards.

Kurt Russell Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort Kurt Russell movies by movie titles and movie trailers
  • Sort Kurt Russell movies by co-stars of his movies.
  • Sort Kurt Russell movies by adjusted domestic box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort Kurt Russell movies by yearly domestic box office rank.
  • Sort Kurt Russell movies how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations and how many Oscar® wins each Kurt Russell movie received.
  • Sort Kurt Russell movies by Ultimate Movie Rankings (UMR) Score.  UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.
  • Use the search and sort buttons to make this page very interactive.
Kurt Russell in The Barefoot Executive (1971)
Kurt Russell in The Barefoot Executive (1971)

Possibly Interesting Facts About Kurt Russell

Kurt Russell has so many interesting facts….that he got a second UMR page.   34 Amazing Facts About Kurt Russell

Kurt Russell Adjusted Worldwide Box Office Grosses

Check Out Steve Lensman’s Kurt Russell You Tube Video

Check out Kurt Russell‘s career compared to current and classic actors.  Most 100 Million Dollar Movies of All-Time.

Academy Award® and Oscar® are the registered trademarks of the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences. Golden Globes® are the registered trademark and service mark of the Hollywood Foreign Press.

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(Visited 10 times)

91 thoughts on “Kurt Russell Movies

  1. No comments in 12 months!? Well I’m about to change that. I watched Breakdown today and yet again it’s just as awesome as the first time I saw it and the 5th and 10th time and everything in between. Kurt Russell was a powerhouse of emotions and his expressions and drive to save his wife makes this movie a must see. Over and over again. Of course allow a year or two in between to really appreciate the special effects of his kick butt ‘tude.

    1. Hey Sunshine….thanks for breaking the 12 month cold streak for Kurt….I actually updated this hub a few weeks ago with his latest movie, Touchback, which was his first movie since 2007’s Grindhouse…..it seems he knows how to enjoy life and still work enough to have an awesome amount of quality movies. Breakdown is a film that I think Alfred Hitchcock would have enjoyed as well…..and Kurt is awesome in the movie. Thanks for thinking about Kurt and my hub….they are both greatly appreciated.

  2. oh dear, no not the Peck page;) I will require you to redo it if that happens. there are only 5 titles of Greg’s career I haven’t seen and that includes one TV movie, one cameo, and the film he says was the worst movie he ever made. The first two of course wouldn’t be included. I want to see the TV film and the fifth title.

    1. Well I do not think what happened to my Harry Potter page can happen to my Gregory Peck page ….because….my Harry Potter page was one of the first pagess I did….and I did not really understand that I could use mulitple capsules…so all the information was put into one very long capsule…..thus a 5 year old could wipe it all away in about 15 seconds….but Gregory currently has four different capsules full of information….so I would think the worst thing that could happen is one part could go away….thus Mr. Peck should be ok…good luck finding those last titles.

  3. I notice on your profile page that you are still at 97 hubs even though you have published the best Picture films. Have you unpublish it to edit it or did you get hit with duplicate content again?

    1. Hey Flora…good eye….yep I had 98 movie pages before my Best Picture page….but during a facelift on a Harry Potter/Twilight page….there was a horrible incident between an unguarded computer, a 5 year old, and a stay at home dad not paying attention….that resulted in a hub pretty much being erased. All that is left are a couple of pictures and some links to other page sites. Not sure if I will try and create a new page on that subject….as it was not one of my more popular ones….thank goodness it did not happen to the Gregory Peck that is about to get a facelift….lol.

  4. Kurt Russell, has been a favourite since playing Snake Plisssken in Escape from New York. Though I prefer John Carpenter’s The Thing more, also starring Russell.

    Backdraft no.1, I have no problem with that, good film.

    Good to see Stargate rated so highly, I enjoyed that too. Never got into the series though.

    Tombstone is one of my favourite recent westerns, packed with quotable lines and Val Kilmer is excellent as Doc Holliday.

    I would recommend Breakdown if anyone hasn’t seen it, an above average thriller in the Hitchcock vein.

    Another Elvis connection – Russell and Kevin Costner play Elvis impersonators out to rob a Las Vegas casino in the film 3000 Miles to Graceland.

    An enjoyable page on a popular actor Cogerson.

    1. Hey Steve….I agree 100% with your comments….if I was writing a comment to this hub I am sure my comment would have been pretty close to the one you posted.

      I can watch Backdraft, Tombstone, Escape From New York and The Thing over and over….plus I think the commentary with Russell and Carpenter is one of the best DVD commentaries out there…fun and interesting.

      As for 3,000 miles to graceland….I love the ending credits when Russell and Costner are goofing off and having fun …thanks for stopping by.

  5. Wow I never realized how many Kurt Russell movies I seen until now! I have seen almost every one except the Elvis movie! Great picture of him and The King!!! Fabulous actor who gives each role his all! Backdraft, Breakdown and Unlawful Entry are my favs!! I enjoyed this page, I just might give it an UP!! 🙂

    1. Hey Sunshine…thanks for the comments and for checking out my Kurt Russell pulse page. I think Kurt is one of the most underrated actors out there. I like all three of the movies you mentioned and about 15 more….I have followed his career since he was super teen Dexter Riley in those 1970s Disney comedies.

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