Robert DeNiro Movies

Want to know the best Robert DeNiro movies?  How about the worst Robert DeNiro movies?  Curious about Robert DeNiro’s box office grosses or which Robert DeNiro movie picked up the most Oscar® nominations? Need to know which Robert DeNiro movie got the best reviews from critics and audiences and which got the worst reviews? Well you have come to the right place….because we have all of that information.

Robert DeNiro (1943-) is a two time Oscar® winner. DeNiro first movie appearance was an uncredited role in 1965’s Three Rooms in Manhatten. After appearing in numerous low budget films, he started to get some notice with his roles in Mean Streets and Bang the Drum Slowly. This led to his star making role as Vito Corleone in 1974’s The Godfather Part II. DeNiro won his first Oscar® for playing the young Godfather. Since becoming a star he has appeared in numerous classic movies…..Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, The Deer Hunter, Once Upon A Time In America, Backdraft, Heat, Good Fellas, Cape Fear and The Untouchables..just to name a few.

Over the last 40 years, DeNiro has been one of the busiest actors working. On average he has two new movies every year since 1974. Now over 70, DeNiro has not slowed that pace down at all.

His IMDb page shows over 120 acting credits since 1965. This page will rank Robert DeNiro movies from Best to Worst in six different sortable columns of information. Television shows, shorts, cameos and bit parts were not included in the rankings.

Robert DeNiro in 1988's Midnight Run
Robert DeNiro in 1988’s Midnight Run

Robert DeNiro Movies Ranked In Chronological Order With Ultimate Movie Rankings Score (1 to 5 UMR Tickets) *Best combo of box office, reviews and awards.

Robert DeNiro Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort Robert DeNiro movies by co-stars or directors of his movies
  • Sort Robert DeNiro movies by adjusted domestic box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort Robert DeNiro movies by adjusted worldwide box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort Robert DeNiro movies how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations and how many Oscar® wins each Robert DeNiro movie received.
  • Sort Robert DeNiro movies by Ultimate Movie Rankings (UMR) Score.  UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.
  • *** If worldwide gross is the same as domestic gross then worldwide gross was unavailable
Robert DeNiro in 2013's Grudge Match
Robert DeNiro in 2013’s Grudge Match

Possibly Interesting Facts About Robert DeNiro

1. Robert DeNiro has been nominated for 7 Oscars® for acting in his career. He won Best Supporting Actor for The Godfather Part II, he also won Best Actor for 1980’s Raging Bull. His other four nominations were for the movies Taxi Driver, The Deer Hunter, Awakenings, Cape Fear and Silver Linings Playbook.

2. Robert DeNiro has been nominated for 8 Golden Globes® for acting in his career. His one win was for 1980’s Raging Bull. His other nominations were for the movies Taxi Driver, New York New York, The Deer Hunter, Midnight Run, Cape Fear, Analyze This, and Meet the Parents.

3. My favorite Robert DeNiro movie nobody else seems to like…..1993’s Mad Dog and Glory…. which co-stars Bill Murray.

4. Robert DeNiro has been married twice. He is currently married to Grace Hightower. They were married in 1997. DeNiro has four sons….Raphael, Julian, Aaron and Elliot…..and one daughter Drena.

5. DeNiro has directed two movies….1993’s A Bronx Tale and 2006’s The Good Shepherd. It was announced that DeNiro is going to make a sequel to The Good Shepherd sometime in the future.

6. DeNiro has appeared in 8 Martin Scorsese films to date. Their first movie together was 1973’s Mean Streets and their last movie together was 1995’s Casino. It appears Leonardo DiCaprio has taken over the DeNiro parts in Scorsese movies.

7. Roles that DeNiro turned down over the years….Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Depp version), The Departed, Dick Tracy, The Edge, King Kong, Man on Fire, and At Close Range.

8. DeNiro’s parents were divorced when he was three, he was raised by his mother in the Little Italy area of Manhattan. After briefly joining a gang….it was his role as the Cowardly Lion in a school play that got him off the streets and on to the stage for good.

9. DeNiro has been successfully battling prostate cancer since 2003.

10. Check out Robert DeNiro‘s career compared to current and classic actors.  Most 100 Million Dollar Movies of All-Time.

Academy Award® and Oscar® are the registered trademarks of the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences.  Golden Globes® are the registered trademark and service mark of the Hollywood Foreign Press.

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64 thoughts on “Robert DeNiro Movies

  1. I have not seen Taxi Driver, Raging Bull or Mad dog and Glory. I am really behind on my classics. I loved Godfather 2, Goodfellas and meet the parents. Meet the flockers seemed a bit heavyhanded. Deniro’s character should have been more mellow toward stiller

    by then.

    I think Goodfellas was better than any Godfather movie. I believe it was more acurate about mob life. I liked Sleepers except for the cruelity of child abuse. Kevon Bacon was such a monster I was sad that he died so easily! I consider him one of our best actors. He can play a nice guy you want to spent the day watching football with or a vicious pyscho you want to shoot.

    Anyway Deniro is a great actor.

    1. Hey ruffridyer….of the three movies you mentioned not seeing…I would recommend Mad Dog and Glory….it has some humor…and a different type of DeNiro….Raging Bull and Taxi Driver are great movies…but not much fun to watch.

      Godfather 2 seems to get better every year….I remember when I did not like G2….but I have realized that I was wrong about that movie. Goodfella is classic…..and Sleepers is a movie that I have yet to see… always thanks for your comments.

  2. A very diverse group of actors, yes. I would love hubs on all these names and have seen their most famous titles. Now, whom would I choose? I’m not sure. I will have to think about that. I think Steve will still vote Bill Holden.

    1. I dunno Flora I’m a big Bob Hope fan too. And Ingrid starred in my favourite film of the 40’s, clue “We’ll always have Paris”. Crawford scares me a little, but a superb actress. I’m sure Cogerson will get round to all of them eventually. Including Boris, Bela and Vincent. 🙂

      1. Steve-after I wrote this comment, I realized that Bergman is the only person of the group who worked with my favourite director- Hitchcock. Big score there. Crawford did a lot of film noir and I love noir too. I might have to narrow it down to the women right away.

        1. Hey Flora….well if Steve had not already commented…I would have said his preference would have been Bergman…he is not much of a fan of Audrey Hepburn and Julia Roberts….and he is always using Bergman as the example of a great actress. But he has already commented…that it would be between her and Hope. As for Crawford…I stumbled across some great sources of information on her movies from 1925-1943 complete with their box office totals…so I have just been waiting for the chance to do a page on her.

      2. Hey Steve…Vincent is on the list….Bela and Boris might be a very long time coming….if only because the information is so hard to find….although Targets is one of my favorite movies of Boris. As for Bob Hope….I almost did him after I did Bing Crosby….hard to believe that 3 months have gone since I did that page….and I still have done that page.

        1. Save Boris and Bela for Halloween, Vincent would be great. Another favourite is Basil Rathbone, add him to your list too.

          And just to tie all this with DeNiro, Karloff’s most famous role is the Frankenstein monster and DeNiro played the monster in Kenneth Branagh’s 1994 movie, no.40 on your chart. A good movie but should have been a lot better.

          1. Hey Steve…..I will add Basil to the ever growing list. I have yet to see DeNiro’s Frankenstein….but I will one day soon.

  3. Good Morning good sir from the great state of Alaska. First off I thoroughly enjoyed Mad Dog and Glory as well thanks to my movie tootlage growing up. And since you left him out for his role, I will show David Caruso some love for his part in the movie. Anyway it is hard to believe with all of his great movies the Meet the Parents franchise own the box office. Overall great hub, as usual, thanks for the info and keep it up.

    1. Thanks for the comments BryRog57….actually in one of the above comments….I do in fact mention Caruso and his excellent role in Mad Dog and Glory. Yep the Meet the Parents franchise has meant lots of money for its producers….one of which is Robert DeNiro. I appreciate the compliment and for stopping by.

    1. Hey Rosemay50, you have picked two of my favorite DeNiro movies as well…..I can watch Midnight Run and Backdraft over and over….I read somewhere they were looking to make a sequel of Midnight Run….that should be interesting.

  4. I agree with you, Mad Dog and Glory is a very underrated movie. Nice page with great details.

    1. am glad you see the light JScott757 ….I watch Mad Dog and Glory about every two years….a very subtle comedy. Thanks for stopping by.

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