September 15th – UMR is under construction…100 Pages Now Dynamic

So now that WoC has done the work to make this website “dynamic”….now it is my turn to “flip” almost 800 pages.  This is going to take some effort and time….which will do three things….(1) It will limit the amount of time to produce new material.  (2) It will create lots of discrepancies in the box office totals.  and (3) Not going to be able to respond as quickly to the comments.  So I am apologizing in advance.  So far we have flipped 15 pages.  Gotta start somewhere…lol.

  1. 1939 Movies
  2. 1949 Movies
  3. 1950 Movies
  4. 2017 Movies
  5. Paul Newman
  6. Gary Oldman
  7. Ryan Reynolds
  8. Samuel L. Jackson
  9. Chris Pratt
  10. Jennifer Lawrence
  11. Stephen King
  12. Kevin Hart
  13. Tarzan Movies
  14. Chris Hemsworth
  15. 1945 Movies
  16. Chris Evans
  17. Chris Pine
  18. Marlon Brando
  19. Eleanor Powell
  20. Vincent Minnelli
  21. James Stewart
  22. Judy Garland
  23. Esther Williams
  24. Red Skelton
  25. Gene Kelly
  26. Robert Taylor
  27. Lyle Talbot
  28. Donna Reed
  29. Robert Young
  30. Fred Astaire
  31. Van Johnson
  32. Bruce Willis
  33. Glenn Ford
  34. Joan Crawford
  35. Jason Bateman
  36. Cary Grant
  37. Tom Cruise
  38. Astaire vs Kelly
  39. Will Smith
  40. Howard Hawks
  41. Woody Harrelson
  42. Veronica Lake
  43. Leslie Caron
  44. Arnold Schwarzenegger
  45. Jerry Lewis
  46. Eleanor Parker
  47. Hedy Lamaar
  48. Elvis Presley
  49. Christian Bale
  50. Jane Powell
  51. Pierce Brosnan
  52. Sean Connery
  53. Daniel Craig
  54. Roger Moore
  55. David Niven
  56. James Bond Movies
  57. Peter Falk
  58. Jamie Foxx
  59. Ryan Gosling
  60. Ray Milland
  61. Clark Gable
  62. Michael Caine
  63. Dwayne Johnson
  64. Orlando Bloom
  65. Tom Hardy
  66. Milla Jovovich
  67. Bette Davis
  68. Crawford vs Davis
  69. Tommy Lee Jones
  70. Bing Crosby
  71. Bob Hope
  72. Dorothy Lamour
  73. Tyrone Power
  74. John Wayne
  75. Robert Mitchum
  76. Michael Keaton
  77. Judd Nelson
  78. Emma Stone
  79. Robert DeNiro
  80. Greta Garbo
  81. Deanna Durbin
  82. Donald Sutherland
  83. 1951 Movies
  84. Humphrey Bogart
  85. Anthony Quinn
  86. Sophia Loren
  87. Hugh Grant
  88. Rock Hudson
  89. Doris Day
  90. Henry Fonda
  91. Paul Muni
  92. Kurt Russell
  93. Vin Diesel
  94. Jason Statham
  95. Charlize Theron
  96. Donald Crisp
  97. Leonardo DiCaprio
  98. Christopher Nolan
  99. Cecil B. DeMille
  100. Laurence Olivier
  101. Jeremy Renner
(Visited 176 times)

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