Will Smith Movies

Want to know the best Will Smith movies?  How about the worst Will Smith movies?  Curious about Will Smith’s box office grosses or which Will Smith movie picked up the most Oscar® nominations? Need to know which Will Smith movie got the best reviews from critics and audiences? Well you have come to the right place….because we have all of that information.

Will Smith (1968-) is an Oscar-winning American actor, producer, rapper, and songwriter. He has enjoyed success in television, film, and music.  This page will look at his awesome movie career which has had box office success and critical acclaim.  Smith has 14 $100 million dollars when looking at adjusted box office grosses. He has received two Oscar® nominations and 2 Golden Globe® nominations for his movie roles. In April 2007, Newsweek called him “the most powerful actor in Hollywood.  His IMDb page shows over 90 acting credits since 1986. This page will rank Will Smith movies from Best to Worst in six different sortable columns of information. Television shows and cameos were not included in the rankings.

Will Smith and Rosario Dawson in 2005's Hitch
Will Smith and Eva Mendes in 2005’s Hitch

Will Smith Movies Ranked In Chronological Order With Ultimate Movie Rankings Score (1 to 5 UMR Tickets) *Best combo of box office, reviews and awards.

Will Smith Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort Will Smith movies by co-stars of his movies.
  • Sort Will Smith movies by adjusted domestic box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort Will Smith movies by adjusted worldwide box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort Will Smith movies how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations and how many Oscar® wins each Will Smith movie received.
  • Sort Will Smith movies by Ultimate Movie Rankings (UMR) Score.  UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.
Will Smith in 2008's Hancock
Will Smith in 2008’s Hancock

Check out Will Smith’s career compared to current and classic actors.  Most 100 Million Dollar Movies of All-Time.

Steve’s Will Smith You Tube Video

Academy Award® and Oscar® are the registered trademarks of the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences.

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53 thoughts on “Will Smith Movies

  1. I love Will Smith ( obvious Philadelphia tides aside) & The Pursuit of Happiness…Was it nominated for any awards? It was masterful acting…two favorite scenes? When he pretends he’s seeing dinosaurs to get his son into a subway bathroom so they can go sleep and when he’s told that he got the job…

    1. Hey jeolmoz2…thanks for checking out my Will Smith hub. Pursuit of Happyness….got nominated for one Oscar…which was for Will Smith as Best Actor….it was much deserved. Pursuit of Happyness is my wife’s favorite Will Smith movie. I liked both scenes you mentioned….and can see why you have such Philly pride…thanks for the comment.

  2. Will Smith is one of my most favorite Hollywood heroes. Thank you for sharing this great information. Voted up and shared with my followers.

    1. Hey janinismus. Thanks for checking out my hub and for the compliment. I am very glad that Will Smith is done with his three year break.

  3. Dammit Conanson I’m only interested in Wheel Smifs music videos! 😉

    Men in Black no.1, I have no problem with that at all, really enjoyed it and the movie wasn’t bad either.

    Will Smith films I’ve seen at the cinema – ID4, MiB, I Robot and… that’s it. I have a weakness for sci-fi good or bad as you may have noticed. I wasn’t that impressed with I am Legend though.

    I have yet to see Ali, Smith’s controversial version of the old Arabian Nights tale- Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves, I hear it got good reviews.

    Voted Up and Awesome.

    1. I am sorry SteveLensman….I will get to work on those Will Smith videos….. Ali is also a movie I have not seen…..but now that I know what it is about….it will move to the top of my movies to see list.

      It is hard to believe but it will be 4 years between Will Smith movies whenever Men in Black 3 opens up next year…damn does time fly.

      Looking at IMDB…he has no movies after Men in Black 3…which means the next one after that might not be here until late 2013 or 2014….now those years look scary to read and type.

      1. I might go and see Men in Black 3 though it doesn’t look to be much different than the previous two.

        Bruce, I’ve seen 12 of the 19 films you’ve listed, 9 from the box office top 10 and 6 from the critics top 10. I haven’t seen your top rated moviescore film Pursuit of Happyness.

        1. Hey Steve thanks for checking out one of my oldest hubs….it is the 5th one that I wrote. I have seen 14 of his 20 movies. I just watched Ali the other night….I was not too impressed…it could have been much better.

  4. I have to tip my hat off to you again for putting together another great page. I was a bit surprised to see “Wild Wild West” rank as highly as it did, as I thought for sure that film bombed in theaters. Then again, I guess you can’t argue with the numbers. Anyway, keep up the great work

    1. Hey Stevennix2001….well its box office success is the only reason it finished 12th….but 12th is still low for him as he only has 19 movies…and if you throw out his early supporting roles….you are looking at 12th of 15 movies.

      When Wild Wild West opened….it destroyed its July 4th opening weekend….but by the second weekend…the word was out….and that word was to avoid this horrible movie. Thanks for stopping by.

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