Ultimate Movie Rankings

Alphabetical Links to Over 1000 Individual Actors, Actresses & Directors Ultimate Movie Rankings Pages

Uses box office grosses, critic reviews, audience voting and award recognition to rank movies.

Links to our Genres, Research, Oscar, YouTube, and Cogerson Life UMR Pages


303 thoughts on “Ultimate Movie Rankings

  1. Looks like those pesky spammers have figured out a way to get in the comment section. It took awhile to realize that some of those comments were “fake” ones. Hope you can figure out a way to make it even harder for them.

    1. Hey In The Shadows…..yes the spammers are making it very hard on us. I think a good comparison is to the television show The Walking Dead. For awhile we have been in a safe spot..with little spam getting through. Lately some of the zombies/spam have started gathering at our perimeter…..about 100 a day get stuck in the “approval” area of our comments…with 1000s more not even getting to the perimeter (as it spam/zombies that get caught on a daily basis but I do not see the comments). This weekend the zombies/spam started getting inside our compound….as they made the link the name of the commentor….which allowed them to get on the website. Today….we had almost 5,000 spam comments. So sadly I have been spending all of my UMR time defending against Spam….hopefully some small changes have gotten the zombie/spam to leave the compound and remain outside the compound.

  2. For some reason, my computer says that your website is not secure/certification error. It wanted me to go to my start page instead of going to your site. I m not sure how you fix that.

    1. Thanks for letting us know, Flora! I’ll look into our certificate with our hosting provider. It might take a week or so.

    1. Hey Erin. Sorry no Kristy McNichol page yet. I do have Rating The Movie Stars book….and she did make that book. They rated all of her movies from 1978 to 1982

      #1 Little Darlings (1980)
      #2 White Dog (1982)
      #3 The End (1978)
      #4 The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia (1981)
      #5 Only When I Laugh (1982)
      #6 The Pirate Movie (1982)

      Her movie career was pretty much over after that….but I remember having a crush on her when when she was “Buddy” on the television show Family. Hope your new year is going well.

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