Ultimate Movie Rankings

Alphabetical Links to Over 1000 Individual Actors, Actresses & Directors Ultimate Movie Rankings Pages

Uses box office grosses, critic reviews, audience voting and award recognition to rank movies.

Links to our Genres, Research, Oscar, YouTube, and Cogerson Life UMR Pages


303 thoughts on “Ultimate Movie Rankings

  1. Man! Another page counter has stopped working…..this is beyond frustrating! Why is it so hard to find a device that counts how many times a page is viewed? Just does not make sense. Ok done complaining!

  2. Hello Chris,I have read and enjoyed all your books immensely,and have just finished Everyone Brave is Forgiven.I have never felt compelled to thank an author before,but I want to thank you for taking me to another time and place.I feel a bit disorientated,a bit unsettled,but in a good way !I have a photo taken in 1915 of my paternal grandfather sitting on his mother’s knee,next to his father in his naval uniform,in Malta.That same year,on the 16th January,my maternal grandfather was born prematurely when his mother received a telegram to say her husband had been killed in action.My grandfather survived in a shoebox in the kitchen range.Both grandfathers were in the Army,and both died in the 50’s and 60’s,so I never knew them.My parents met in Malta in the 1960’s,mum in the Wrns,my father in the Navy,where they had a long love affair which as he was married,came to an end.It is hard to believe that only twenty years earlier there was such pain and hunger.I was born on the 16th January 1965,and mum met my wonderful stepfather (who was born in Gibraltar in 1940) in 1967.It’s the invisible thread that connects us to our past,isn’t it?I have an incredible urge to visit Malta,as I did not know as much as I do now,thanks to you Chris.Keep writing your amazing novels.I hope you love writing as much as I love reading!Very best wishes,Tracey Bourke


    1. Hey Von Pollart…..not sure who you are trying to reach…but this is not the right place….as my name is Cogerson and I have not written a book. Still interesting reading about your parents and grandparents….hope you find the right place to post this nice compliment.

    1. Hey Kleening….glad you like our website….you should also know we do requests…if one of your favorites is missing….just let us know and we will try and get a page done on that person. Thanks for the nice compliment…..it is greatly appreciated.

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